不是我知道的。如ActiveModel::Callbacks源中所述,您可以通过覆盖 before_create 方法(为什么要这样做?)来获得您正在寻找的结果。
# First, extend ActiveModel::Callbacks from the class you are creating:
# class MyModel
# extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
# end
# Then define a list of methods that you want callbacks attached to:
# define_model_callbacks :create, :update
# This will provide all three standard callbacks (before, around and after)
# for both the <tt>:create</tt> and <tt>:update</tt> methods. To implement,
# you need to wrap the methods you want callbacks on in a block so that the
# callbacks get a chance to fire:
# def create
# run_callbacks :create do
# # Your create action methods here
# end
# end
# Then in your class, you can use the +before_create+, +after_create+ and
# +around_create+ methods, just as you would in an Active Record module.
# before_create :action_before_create
# def action_before_create
# # Your code here
# end