文件中的信息被读入 Car 结构“newcar”。我需要使用下面的“sll_add”函数将该信息添加到我命名为“list”的 Carlist 类型的单个喜欢列表中。我只是很难理解这一切是如何开始的。感谢您的任何帮助。

int main (void)//main function

FILE *fp;//file pointer
fp = fopen("car_inventory.txt", "r");//opens the car inventory data within the program.
int num=0;//vairable created to keep track of the information.
int year;//, choice;//variables use for user input.
char str1[100];//string created to ensure the program reads the information from the original file correctly. 
Carlist list;//creates a string of type "Car" named file to hold up to 100 cars. 
Car newcar;//Car variable to store the info from the file. 

list *last=num;

if (fp)
        while(!feof(fp))//takes input from the data file.
        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%d %s %[^\n]s", &newcar.year, newcar.make, newcar.model);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%[^\n]s", newcar.style);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%[^\n]s", newcar.color);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%s", newcar.mileage);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%c", &newcar.air_condition);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%s", newcar.inventory_num);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%lf", &(newcar).price);

        fgets(str1,50, fp);
        sscanf(str1,"%[^\n]s", newcar.previous_owner);


        sll_add(*newcar, &list);

return 0;

#define MAX_CARS     100

/* Type definitions */

typedef struct car
    int year;
    char make[25];
    char model[25];
    char style[25];
    char color[20];
    char mileage[8];
    char air_condition;
    char inventory_num[16];
    double price;
    char previous_owner[30];
    struct car *next;

} Car;

typedef struct carlist
    Car *first;
    Car *last;
} Carlist;

void sll_init(Carlist *l);
Car *sll_first(Carlist *l);
Car *sll_end(Carlist *l);
Car *sll_next(Car *current, Carlist *l);
Car *sll_retrieve(Car *element, Carlist *l);
void sll_delete(Car *c, Carlist *l);
void sll_delete_year(Carlist *l, int year);
void sll_add(Car *newcar, Carlist *l);


1 回答 1


从头开始。首先,你的 Carlist 需要被初始化,所以你需要充实这个sll_init()函数。这非常简单,因为它所要做的就是将firstandlast指针设置为空。它可能看起来像这样:

void sll_init(Carlist *l)
    l->first = l->last = NULL;

接下来,您需要能够将条目添加到列表中,因此您需要充实sll_add(). 它可能看起来像这样:

void sll_add(Car *newcar, Carlist *l)
    Car *new = malloc(sizeof(*new));
    *new = *newcar;
    new->next = NULL;    // just to be safe in case newcar wasn't properly initialized

    if (l->first == NULL)
        // the list is empty, so add the first entry
        l->first = l->last = new;
        // the list is not empty, so append a new entry to the end
        l->last->next = new;
        l->last = new;


于 2013-09-24T20:05:44.373 回答