嗨,我有 ac# 应用程序,它接受 4 位数的分机号码并为其设置掩码。我有一种情况,需要根据数量应用两个不同的面具。
First: If the number starts with 47 or 5 return mask A.
Second: If the number starts with 6 or 55 return mask B.
//Here I am trying to say, anything that start with 47 or 5 with the next 3 digits taking any number
Match first = Regex.Match(num, "^(47|(5[0123456789]{3}))");
//anything that start with 6 or 55 with the next 2 digits taking numbers 0-5
Match secong = Regex.Match(num, "(6|55[123450]{2})");
如果我使用上面的输入 num=5850 或 num=5511 两者都适用,但显然 5850 应该使用 Mask A 而 5511 应该使用 Mask B