每当循环运行时,下面的代码墙应该会更改“lowestguess”和“highestguess”的值。理想情况下,它意味着将最高猜测值从 100 降低,并将最低猜测值从 1 提高,这样程序就无法猜测出比它已经猜测的更低或更高的数字(减少完成程序所需的循环数量。
但是,每次运行“takestab”函数时,最低猜测和最高猜测总是重置为默认值,分别为 1 和 100。不知道这里发生了什么,因为我没有收到任何错误。
import java.util.Scanner;
public class AIGuessing
public static void main(String[]args)
Scanner inputReader = new Scanner(System.in);
int number;
int guess;
int guesses = 0;
int lowestguess = 1;
int highestguess = 100;
System.out.println("Please enter a number for the AI to guess");
number = inputReader.nextInt();
//computer tries to guess number
guess = takestab(lowestguess, highestguess, number);
System.out.println("\"I guess " +guess+ ".\"");
}while(guess != number);
if(guess == number)
System.out.println("WOO! I got it!");
if(guesses >= 1 && guesses ==2)
System.out.println(guesses + " guesses? I..AM...GOD!!!!");
else if(guesses >= 3 && guesses <= 5)
System.out.println(guesses + " guesses? Hooray! I'm as average as gravy!!!");
else if(guesses >= 6 && guesses <= 8)
System.out.println(guesses + " guesses? I only guess when I'm drunk");
else if(guesses >= 9)
System.out.println(guesses + " guesses? Bugger me... turn me into scrap");
//end code
public static int takestab(Integer lowestguess, Integer highestguess, Integer number)
int estimate;
estimate = estimate(lowestguess, highestguess);
System.out.println("Estimate is: "+estimate+".");
if(estimate < number && estimate > lowestguess)
lowestguess = estimate;
barkchange(lowestguess, highestguess, estimate);
else if(estimate > number && estimate < highestguess)
highestguess = estimate;
barkchange(lowestguess, highestguess, estimate);
return estimate;
//function to generate and return a random number
public static int estimate(int low, int high)
int comGuess;
comGuess = (low + (int)(Math.random() * ((high - low) + low)));
return comGuess;
//function to 'bark' the changes of lowest and highest guesses
public static void barkchange(Integer lowestguess, Integer highestguess, Integer guess)
System.out.println("Current guess is: "+guess+".");
System.out.println("Lowest guess is: "+lowestguess+".");
System.out.println("Highest guess is: "+highestguess+".\n");