我想创建一个包含内容和类别的新地板类型页面“室内设计”(图像中的“3”)(我还有另外 3 个页面“瓷砖和大理石地板”(图像中的 2)“硬木和层压板”“花岗岩和地毯")。其他 3 页运行良好。但是当我想在图像中创建新的显示“3”时。它与“瓷砖和大理石地板”和“硬木和层压板”页面冲突。大部分内容来自那 2 页:: 就像图像中的 4 和 5。
1st :: I create a menu "Interior Design"
2nd:: I created category
3rd :: I created 5 contents (floor type) ::: content -> add new -> floor type
4th :: I go to the page structure->view->floor type content
then there is a page like screenshot I have provided.
in display section :: there is button "+add"
5th :: I clicked +add button for "Interiror Design" (3 in image)
like others ::: "Tile & Marble Floors"