I want to bind gridview through entity framework but it throws error like-
An anonymous type cannot have multiple properties with the same name Entity Framwrok
Here is my method.
public void UserList(GridView grdUserList)
using (TreDbEntities context = new TreDbEntities())
var query =( from m in context.aspnet_Membership
from u in context.aspnet_Users
join usr in context.Users
on new { m.UserId, u.UserId }
equals new { usr.MembershipUserID, usr.UserId }
into UserDetails
from usr in UserDetails
select new {
CreationDate = m.CreateDate,
email = m.Email,
UserName = u.LoweredUserName,
Name = usr.FirstName + usr.LastNameLastName,
It shows error here. usr.UserId.