我正在尝试使用http://bootloader.wikidot.com/android:kgdb让 kgdb 与 Android 内核一起工作。我被困在以下步骤:
Configure kernel command line
Specify ttyGS0 as the kgdboc device. Add the following into the kernel command line (possibly in BoardConfig.mk)
kgdboc=ttyGS0 kgdbretry=4
The second option "kgdbretry=4" is a new parameter added to kgdboc.c.
It means that if kgdb cannot find the device "ttyGS0" in early boot,
it will retry once after the specified number of seconds.
This is a work-around if the USB device is not immediately initialized during system boot.
有人可以告诉我它指的是哪个 BoardConfig.mk 吗?或者有没有其他方法可以在引导时将这些参数传递给内核?