我目前正在制作一个在线测验。当前的代码运行良好,但我想看看谁得分了什么。我对 Javascript 还是非常陌生,我一直在为朋友构建这个测验。我已经学到了很多东西只是让这个东西工作。
我希望能够让用户输入他们的姓名,并使用 php 邮件程序将其与结果一起提交。
我尝试在 HTML 区域中添加一个简单的 html 输入字段,如下所示,但它从未产生任何结果。
<input name="Name" type="text" value="" size="80">
var allQuestions = [{
question: "Anger can be thought of as a like other feelings and emotions.",
choices: ["Emotion", "Wave length", "Continuum", "Exercise"],
correctAnswer: 2
}, {
question: "Strong, silent type of personality will usually when things finally overwhelm him.",
choices: ["Explode", "Implode", "Leave", "Cry"],
correctAnswer: 0
}, {
question: "People that complain about everything, and see themselves as victims, fit the personality type called.",
choices: ["Prosecutor", "Grouch", "Exterminator", "Terminator"],
correctAnswer: 1
}, {
question: "When someone wants to point out the faults in others, in order to shift blame off of himself, he is probably a",
choices: ["Displacer", "Intimidator", "Prosecutor", "grouch"],
correctAnswer: 2
question: "The type of personality takes his anger out on people or things he views as “less threatening” than the person he is actually mad at.",
choices: ["Grouch", "Displacer", "Prosecutor", "Coward"],
correctAnswer: 1
question: "The easiest type of anger personality to spot is usually the. Often these types come from abusive backgrounds.",
choices: ["Intimidator", "Grouch", "Displacer", "Prosecutor"],
correctAnswer: 0
question: "Anger has a medical definition, saying it is an state that ranges from to intense fury and rage.",
choices: ["Mental State Embarrassment", "Emotional State Mild Irritation", "Exhausted State Yawning", "Typical State Relaxing"],
correctAnswer: 1
question: "Anger is often compared to a",
choices: ["Flock of Geese", "Chord of Wood", "Pressure Cooker", "Bag of Ice"],
correctAnswer: 2
question: "Anger and rage can become a form of . These people are known as rageaholics.",
choices: ["Addiction", "Skin Disease", "Problem", "Comfort Zone"],
correctAnswer: 0
question: "First rule When you are don’t say anything!",
choices: ["Right", "Wrong", "Angry", "Confused"],
correctAnswer: 2
question: "Many times, we feel angry because a situation seems negative, and seems to clash with our.",
choices: ["Belief System", "Current Plans", "Family Members", "Schedule"],
correctAnswer: 0
question: "Many people carry beliefs, that keep them feeling victimized all of the time.",
choices: ["Stoic", "Unusual", "Irrational", "Western"],
correctAnswer: 2
question: "To contain anger, all we have to do is learn to view life from a perspective.",
choices: ["Personal", "Different", "Closed", "Unknown"],
correctAnswer: 1
//you can access checkbox name through an array
//match array number to number in allQuestions array
var questionNum = 0;
var scoreNum = 0;
var makeQuestions = "";
var failedQuestions = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
makeQuestions = function () {
if (questionNum === allQuestions.length) {
$("#questions").text(" All Complete!") .append("<br> Please click the button below to submit your results.") .append("<br>Your score is" + " " + scoreNum);
$("#questions").append("<br><input type='button' id='submit_answers' value='SUBMIT'><br><br>");
$("#questions").append("Failed questions: " + failedQuestions.join());
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[questionNum]['choices'].length; i++) {
$('#words').append('<input type="radio" name="buttons">' + allQuestions[questionNum]['choices'][i] + '</input');
$('#submit_answers').on('click', function () {
var checkQuestions = function () {
var lenG = document.getElementsByName("buttons").length;
var rightAnswer = allQuestions[questionNum]['correctAnswer'];
for (var i = 0; i < lenG; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName("buttons")[i].checked === true) {
//compare value to what was inputted
if (i === rightAnswer) {
scoreNum += 1;
alert("Correct! Your score is" + " " + scoreNum);
} else {
alert("False! Your score is still" + " " + scoreNum);
questionNum = questionNum + 1;