I want to get the current svn revision using bash and set it as the environment variable SVN_REVISION. This environment variable may or may not be already set. If it's already set then I echo that, if not set then I compute it and then echo it. I DONT'T want to override if SVN_REVISION is already set. I am using the following script which is failing owing to my lack of understanding of parameter expansion.
# If no directory provided as an argument, uses the current working directory as the source directory.
COMPUTE_REVISION=$(svn info ${RAW_SRC_DIR} | grep '^Revision' | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr -d ' ')
echo "${COMPUTE_REVISION}" ##Gets the revision successfully
${SVN_REVISION:="$COMPUTE_REVISION"} #Fails with message: <SVN_REVISION> command not found
How do I fix it?