我收到一个错误,说“adjacencymatrix”没有在这个范围内使用”就在 main 的末尾(在最后的函数 makebond 之前)(注释的第 112 行“BROKEN LINE”)。为什么?很抱歉这很简单。我正在用 g++ ($ g++ ac -of) 编译。
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
#define count 500
double density;
double volume;
int N;
double beta = 0.1;
double R = 5;
double rob = 1;
int dimension = 2;
double eps=0.1; // Increase in density
double mindensity = 0; // Minimum density
double maxdensity = 8; // max.dens (scaled for the sake of ensuring int()
int makebond(double x);
int main(){
for (int rho=mindensity;rho<=(maxdensity/eps);density++){
N = floor(density*volume);
double nodepositions[N][dimension];
// Place nodes in volume (square side L, circle volume *R and obstacle *rob)
for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
int L = 5;
double distancefromorigin;
double x = (L*(rand()/RAND_MAX))-(L/2);
double y = (L*(rand()/RAND_MAX))-(L/2);
distancefromorigin = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y));
nodepositions[i][0] = x;
nodepositions[i][1] = y;
double adjacencymatrix [N][N];
double itzhak; //distance of node 1 from the centre
double isaac; //distance of node 2 from the centre
double vivaldi; //distance between node 1 and node 2
double phi; // a function of the above 3 doubles (see later usage)
double rubicon; // maximum distance nodes within the icecream can be apart before becoming visually indepdendent
double maxtheta; // "in the icecream" means theta < maxtheta
double theta; // angular displacement of inner point from the line bisecting the icecream
// Create adjacency matrix (note alternative implementation using incidence lists)
for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
for (int j=0;j<N;j++){
double x0 = nodepositions[i][0];
double y0 = nodepositions[i][1];
double x1 = nodepositions[j][0];
double y1 = nodepositions[j][1];
itzhak = sqrt(sqr(x0) + sqr(y0));
isaac = sqrt(sqr(x1) + sqr(y1));
vivaldi = sqrt(sqr(x0-x1) + sqr(y0-y1));
phi = ((sqr(vivaldi)+sqr(itzhak)-sqr(isaac))/(2*vivaldi*itzhak));
rubicon = ((itzhak*phi) - sqrt((sqr(rob)) - ((sqr(itzhak))*(1-sqr(phi)))));
maxtheta = asin(rob/itzhak);
theta = acos(phi);
if (x0==x1 && y0==y1){
adjacencymatrix[i][j] = 0;
if (isaac<itzhak && theta<maxtheta) {
if (vivaldi>rubicon){
adjacencymatrix[i][j] = 0;}
else {
adjacencymatrix[i][j] = makebond(vivaldi);}
else{adjacencymatrix[i][j] = makebond(vivaldi);}
FILE *datafc1;
datafc1 = fopen("matrix.dat", "w");
for (int ii = 0; ii<N; ii++){
for (int jj = 0; jj<N; jj++){
int aaa;
aaa = adjacencymatrix[ii][jj];///////////////*******BROKEN LINE******
fprintf(datafc1,"%i", aaa);
return 0;
/////// --End Main--
int makebond(double x){
// This function takes in the euc. dist. between two nodes and draws a link with prob. H(r)
double randomnumber = (rand()/RAND_MAX); // Random number between 0 and 1
double hr = exp(-beta*sqr(x));// ***Connection function***
int a = 1; // Number to be put into adjacency matrix
if (randomnumber > hr){
a = 0;
return a; //Returns 0 or 1 depending on prob. dist.