Hey all I'm completely new to Unix and I need to write up a "shell script" (?) to connect to another terminal and run a few SQL queries. How on earth do I do this? I've been browsing a few answers from this and other boards and if I have found my answer I don't understand it.
I am able to manually connect, enter password, etc, but I need to automate the process. I don't have access to Perl (as a few answers have suggested) and I am unable to edit the etc/shadow file. So I assume this has to be done strictly through Unix itself. This is what I am currently using:
ssh root@vHost
expect {
"root@the-host password:"{
send -s "'vPass'\r"
SQL_Query='select * from vTable limit 10'
mysql -p$vPASS -D$vTable -u$vUser P$vPort<<EOF
echo $X>Output.dat
Please explain all answers in full. I'm trying to learn.