I created a CSV parser that works fine for some CSV files I've found online, but one that I converted from XLS to CSV via Microsoft Excel 2011 does not work. The ones that work are formatted as such:
"Sort Order","Common Name","Formal Name","Type","Sub Type","Sovereignty","Capital","ISO 4217 Currency Code","ISO 4217 Currency Name","ITU-T Telephone Code","ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code","ISO 3166-1 3 Letter Code","ISO 3166-1 Number","IANA Country Code TLD" "1","Afghanistan","Islamic State of Afghanistan","Independent State",,,"Kabul","AFN","Afghani","+93","AF","AFG","004",".af".........................etc...
The one that doesn't work is formatted like this:
Order Id,Date Ordered,Date Returned,Product Id,Description,Order Reason Code,Return Qty,Order Return Comment,Ship To Name,Ship To Address1,Ship To Address2,Ship To Address3,Ship To City,Ship To State,Ship To Zipcode,Ship To Country,Disposition,Ship To Email,ShipVia 5555555,2013-07-05 13:58:36.000,2013-08-16 00:00:00.000,5555-55,0555 - Some Test Thing,Refund,2,,jeric beatty,123 fake st,,,burke,NJ,55055,US,Discard,test@test.com,Super Fast Shipping
Is there anyway to get excel to export in the format as the first one? I would like to avoid doing this manually as the file is huge and I would have to manually edit lots of parts of it where I couldn't do a "replace all". Another issue could be that there are double and sometimes triple commas in some places. Though this does appear in both files.
Here is the parser:
function ingest_csv() {
$file_url = 'http://www.path.to/csv/file.csv';
$record_num = 0;
$records = array();
$header = array();
if (($handle = fopen($file_url, "r")) !== FALSE) {
$records['id'] = '';
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
$records['id'][$record_num] = '';
$cell_num = 0;
foreach ($data as $cell) {
if($record_num == 0) {
$header = $data;
} else {
$current_key = $header[$cell_num];
$records['id'][$record_num][$current_key] = $cell;
else {
echo 'could not open file.';
return array($record_num, $records);
function batch_csv() {
list($num_rows, $rows) = ingest_csv