
print " This program will calculate the unit price (price per oz) of store items,"
print " you will input the weight in lbs and oz, the name and cost." 
item_name = (input("Please enter the name of the item. ")) 
item_lb_price = float(input("Please enter the price per pound of your item ")) 
item_lbs = float(input("please enter the pounds of your item. "))
item_oz = float(input("plese enter the ounces of your item. "))
unit_price = item_lb_price / 16
total_price = item_lb_price * (item_lbs + item_oz / 16) 
print "the total price per oz is", unit_price 
print "the total price for", item_name, "is a total of", total_price

3 回答 3


如果是 python 2,你应该使用 raw_input 而不是 input。如果它是 python 3,则应将要打印的值括在括号中。

是的,您正确使用了 float 函数,但没有验证输入是否正确。它是有责任的,甚至可能会抛出错误。

此外,由于 input(),该程序对于 python 2 不正确,并且由于使用 print 语句,因此对于 python 3 不正确。

你应该用一个浮点数来划分:16.0 而不是 16。

于 2013-09-23T20:06:10.747 回答



input("Enter a number")相当于eval(raw_input("Enter a number"))。目前,代码尝试将输入评估为代码(作为 python 表达式运行)。

15:10:21 ~$ python so18967752.py
 This program will calculate the unit price (price per oz) of store items,
 you will input the weight in lbs and oz, the name and cost.
Please enter the name of the item. Apple
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "so18967752.py", line 6, in <module>
    item_name = (input("Please enter the name of the item. "))
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Apple' is not defined


  1. 对于顶部的多行横幅,将字符串声明为多行字符串并打印出来。
  2. 检查以确保范围对输入有意义(验证)。当然,如果这是针对一门课,您可能还没有达到这一点(见 if/else?)
  3. 明确使用常量以使它们浮动以确保它不会默认为整数除法


banner = '''
This program will calculate the unit price (price per oz) of store items.
You will input the weight in lbs and oz, the name and cost.

print banner

item_name = raw_input("Please enter the name of the item. ")

item_lb_price = float(raw_input("Please enter the price per pound of your item."))
item_lbs = float(raw_input("Please enter the pounds of your item."))
item_oz = float(raw_input("plese enter the ounces of your item."))

unit_price = item_lb_price / 16.0
total_price = item_lb_price * (item_lbs + (item_oz / 16.0))

print "The total price per oz is", unit_price
print "The total price for", item_name, "is a total of", total_price
于 2013-09-23T20:08:40.953 回答


unit_price = item_lb_price / 16.0
于 2013-09-23T20:04:00.390 回答