我想将二进制文件的前 n 个字节(例如 100000)中所有字母和数字的 ascii 代码加载到数组中。我写了这段代码:
Option Explicit
Dim i, lCharCount, lFileByte, lFileArray(99999)
Dim oFSO, oStream, sInFileName
'Validate input command line
If WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then
MsgBox "No input file has been specified!", vbExclamation, "My Script"
End If
sInFileName = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oStream = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInFileName, 1)
Do While Not oStream.AtEndOfStream
lFileByte = Asc(oStream.Read(1))
If (lFileByte > 47 And lFileByte < 58) Or (lFileByte > 64 And lFileByte < 91) Or (lFileByte > 96 And lFileByte < 123) Then
lFileArray(lCharCount) = lFileByte
lCharCount = lCharCount + 1
If lCharCount = 100000 Then Exit Do
End If
oStream.Close: Set oStream = Nothing
但我需要它跑得更快。我宁愿不使用 ADODB,但是如果无法使用 FSO 加快速度,我愿意接受所有建议。有任何想法吗?