我正在尝试使用 FedEx 网络服务创建运输并返回商业发票。我正在使用下面提供的请求值:
[WebAuthenticationDetail] => Array
[UserCredential] => Array
[Key] => XXXXXXX
[Password] => XXXXXX
[ClientDetail] => Array
[AccountNumber] => XXXX
[MeterNumber] => XXXXX
[Version] => Array
[ServiceId] => ship
[Major] => 13
[Intermediate] => 0
[Minor] => 0
[RequestedShipment] => Array
[DropoffType] => REGULAR_PICKUP
[ShipTimestamp] => 2013-09-23T20:50:27+02:00
[ServiceType] => FIRST_OVERNIGHT
[PackagingType] => FEDEX_BOX
[Shipper] => Array
[Contact] => Array
[PersonName] => User
[CompanyName] => Company
[PhoneNumber] => 56757567456
[Address] => Array
[StreetLines] => Array
[0] => 4400 test street
[1] => apt 65, nro 6098
[City] => New York
[StateOrProvinceCode] => NY
[PostalCode] => 10018
[CountryCode] => US
[Recipient] => Array
[Contact] => Array
[PersonName] => Test
[CompanyName] => Test
[PhoneNumber] => 4563456
[Address] => Array
[StreetLines] => Array
[0] => Test
[1] =>
[City] => New York
[StateOrProvinceCode] => NY
[PostalCode] => 10019
[CountryCode] => US
[ShippingChargesPayment] => Array
[PaymentType] => SENDER
[Payor] => Array
[ResponsibleParty] => Array
[AccountNumber] => XXXXXX
[Contact] =>
[Address] => Array
[CountryCode] => US
[CustomsClearanceDetail] => Array
[DutiesPayment] => Array
[PaymentType] => SENDER
[Payor] => Array
[ResponsibleParty] => Array
[AccountNumber] => XXXX
[Contact] =>
[Address] => Array
[CountryCode] => US
[CustomsValue] => Array
[Currency] => USD
[Amount] => 44
[Commodities] => Array
[0] => Array
[NumberOfPieces] => 1
[Description] => XXXX
[CountryOfManufacture] => US
[Weight] => Array
[Value] => 1
[Units] => LB
[Quantity] => 3
[QuantityUnits] => PCS
[UnitPrice] => Array
[Currency] => USD
[Amount] => 1
[CustomsValue] => Array
[Currency] => USD
[Amount] => 3
[RateRequestTypes] => LIST
[PackageCount] => 1
[RequestedPackageLineItems] => Array
[0] => Array
[SequenceNumber] => 1
[GroupPackageCount] => 1
[Weight] => Array
[Value] => 1
[Units] => LB
[Dimensions] => Array
[Length] => 2
[Width] => 3
[Height] => 4
[Units] => IN
[LabelSpecification] => Array
[LabelFormatType] => COMMON2D
[ImageType] => PDF
[LabelStockType] => PAPER_7X4.75
[ShippingDocumentSpecification] => Array
[ShippingDocumentTypes] => Array
如果我不包括 ShippingDocumentSpecification 部分,它可以完美运行。但是当我添加它时,无论如何我总是会得到这个响应:
stdClass Object
[HighestSeverity] => FAILURE
[Notifications] => stdClass Object
[Severity] => FAILURE
[Source] => ship
[Code] => 6050
[Message] => Shipment request failed due to label creation error
[LocalizedMessage] => Shipment request failed due to label creation error
[MessageParameters] => stdClass Object
[Id] => CAUSE
[Value] => General error from JCLS
[Version] => stdClass Object
[ServiceId] => ship
[Major] => 13
[Intermediate] => 0
[Minor] => 0