I'm trying to create a simple program with MonoGame in Xamarin Studio 4.0.10 (build 5).
But when I try to load some textures using Content.Load
method, I receive an exception System.MissingMethodException
with a message
Method not found: 'MonoMac.AppKit.NSImage.AsCGImage'.
The actual lines of code I am using are:
protected override void LoadContent()
//some stuff here
Texture2D freezeTexts = new Texture2D[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
freezeTexts[i] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("freeze"+i); // exception here
//some other stuff here
I did some googling and found out that this happens because of some API changes, which Xamarin Studio haven't yet implemented (at least that's what I understood). So my question is: How can I fix this problem?