我让搜索表单从 MySQL 中的多个其他表中查询一个内部连接表。我正在使用带有 Xampp/Apache 的本地 Intranet 当我在 PHPMyAdmin 中运行 SQL 时,它运行 Perfect 并产生完全符合我希望它们出现在我的网站上的结果。

我的数据库名称是:loodt 我的表格是:ee、er、aa、adjuster 和律师。我在 ee 表上有其他表的外键(ee.er_id = er.id)等...

但是,当我尝试在我的网站上运行搜索时,它会弹出一条错误消息“无法查询数据库以获取搜索结果,MYSQL 错误表'loodt.ee a”不存在。”所以我尝试取消快捷方式字母[在下面的代码中引用](A、B、C、D< E 和 F)并输入 ee.name、er.name 等...而不是分配这些字母,它也不起作用。



    //Hide the result list on load
    //Click event when search button is pressed
    //Keypress event to see if enter was pressed in text input
        if(e.keyCode == 13){
function doSearch() {
    var searchText = $('#text').val();
    //Rehide the search results
        url: './search.php',
        type: 'POST',
        data: {
            'text': searchText
        beforeSend: function(){
            //Lets add a loading image
        success: function(data) {
            //Take the loading image away
            //Was everything successful, no errors in the PHP script
            if (data.success) {
                //Clear the results list
                //Display the results
                //Check to see if there are any results to display
                if(data.results.length > 0) {
                //Loop through each result and add it to the list
                    $.each(data.results, function(){
                        //Give the list element a rel with the data results ID incase we want to act on this later, like selecting from the list
                            "<li rel='" + this.A_name + "'>" + this.D_name + " | " + this.A_file_no + " | " + this.A_claim_no + " | " + this.A_adj_no + " | " + this.F_acronym + " | " + this.A_doi + " | " + this.A_opened + " | " + this.A_status + " | " + this.A_redwells + " | " + this.E_firm_name + " | " + this.B_name + " | " + this.C_initials + " </li>");
                } else {
                    //If there are no results, inform the user - add 'no-results' class so we can style it differently
                    $('#results-list').append("<li class='no-results'>Your search did not return any results</li>");
                //Show the results list
            } else {
                //Display the error message

上面的 javascript 文件是从我的标题中的索引页调用的,不确定这是否重要。这是在上面的 javascript 代码中调用的 search.php 文件。

>     <?php
    //Prepare an array to hold data we are going to send back to the jQuery
    $data = array(
        'results' => array(),
        'success' => false,
        'error' => '' 
    //Has the text been posted?
    if (isset($_POST['text'])) {
        //Connect to the database

$dbhost = 'localhost'; //hostname
$dbuser = 'xxxx'; //database username
$dbpass = 'xxxxx'; //database password
$dbname = 'loodt'; //database name
//Create the connection to the mySQL database or catch the exception if there is an error
$db = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
if($db->connect_errno > 0){
    die('ERROR! - COULD NOT CONNECT TO mySQL DATABASE: ' . $db->connect_error);

>       //Escape the text to prevent SQL injection
        $text = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['text']);
        //Run a LIKE query to search for titles that are like the entered text
        $q = "SELECT `A.name AS A_name`, `D.name AS D_name`, `A.file_no AS A_file_no`, `A.claim_no AS A_claim_no`, 
`A.adj_no AS A_adj_no`, `F.acronym AS F_acronym`, `A.doi AS A_doi`, `A.opened AS A_opened`, 
`A.status AS A_status`, `A.redwells AS A_redwells`, `C.initials AS C_initials`, `B.name AS B_name`, `E.firm_name AS E_firm_name`
FROM `ee A`
INNER JOIN `adjuster B` ON `A.adjuster_id` = `B.id`
INNER JOIN `attorney C` ON `A.attorney_id` = `C.id`
INNER JOIN `er D` ON `A.er_id` = `D.id`
INNER JOIN `aa E` ON `A.aa_id` = `E.id`
INNER JOIN `wcab F` ON `A.wcab_id` = `F.id`


`A_name` LIKE '%{$text}%' OR `A_file_no`  LIKE '%{$text}%' OR `A_claim_no`  LIKE '%{$text}%' OR `A_adj_no`  LIKE '%{$text}%' OR `A_doi`  LIKE '%{$text}%'";;
        $result = $db->query($q);
        //Did the query complete successfully?
        if (!$result) {
            //If not add an error to the data array
            $data['error'] = "Could not query database for search results, MYSQL ERROR: " . $db->error;
        } else {
            //Loop through the results and add to the results array
            while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                $data['results'][] = array(
                    'A_name' => $row['A_name'],
                    'D_Name' => $row['D_name'],
                    'A_file_no' => $row['A_file_no'],
                    'A_claim_no' => $row['A_claim_no'],
                    'A_adj_no' => $row['A_adj_no'],
                    'F_acronym' => $row['F_acronym'],
                    'A_doi' => $row['A_doi'],
                    'A_opened' => $row['A_opened'],
                    'A_status' => $row['A_status'],
                    'A_redwells' => $row['A_redwells'],
                    'C_initials' => $row['C_initials'],
                    'B_name' => $row['B_name'],
                    'E_firmname' => $row['E_firmname']

            //Everything went to plan so set success to true
            $data['success'] = true;
    //Set the content type for a json object and ensure charset is UTF-8. NOt utf8 otherwise it will not work in IE (Darn IE! >.<)
    header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
    //json encode the data and cast to an object so we can reference items like this.id in the javascript instead of this['id'] etc.
    echo json_encode((object)$data);

这是 SQl 查询的图像和列名的链接:



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