I am looking fora timepicker control for WinRT. I have looked at few nuget packages like callisto and winrtxaml but they dont seem to have it. Is there any package online which implements it ?
Something Like this-
I am looking fora timepicker control for WinRT. I have looked at few nuget packages like callisto and winrtxaml but they dont seem to have it. Is there any package online which implements it ?
Something Like this-
我相信 Windows 8.1 会有一个。否则(如果您在 8.0 中需要它)会附带一些组件库 - 请参阅此处的列表。如果我选择做更多的工作而不是花几美元买一个 - 我会检查 Windows Phone Toolkit 是否有一个并将其移植到 Windows 8.0。
由于您使用的是 Visual Studio,因此我强烈推荐 Synfusion 的 XAML Studio。你可以在这里查看我关于 DatePicker Control 的博客文章,http://darkcore.in/getting-started-with-syncfusions-date-picker-control-for-winrt/