我尝试在班级的嵌套函数中使用 $this。
$check_membership = $this->setAuthorisation($posted_username, $ldap_connection);
private function setAuthorisation($posted_username, $ldap_connection)
// split the posted username for filtering common name
$temp_var = explode('\\', $posted_username);
$cn_name = end($temp_var);
// filter parameter for ldap_search
$filter = "objectClass=*";
// search attribute to get only member
$attr = array("member");
// possible membership status:
// group_membership: "null": No access to enter the page.
// group_membership: "1": Access to the page, but no admin rights.
// group_membership: "2": Access to the page with admin rights.
* perform the setMembershipUser for authorisation the "user" group
function setMembershipUser($ldap_connection, $cn_name, $filter, $attr)
// search for user in the authorized ad group "user"
$user_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection, GROUP_USER.",".BASE_DS, $filter, $attr);
// reads multiple entries from the given result
$user_entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $user_result);
// check if cn_name is in $user_entries
if (preg_grep("/CN=".$cn_name."/i", $user_entries[0]["member"]))
$this->group_membership = 1;
$this->group_membership = null;
setMembershipUser($ldap_connection, $cn_name, $filter, $attr);
return $this->group_membership;
在函数 setMembershipUser 中出现错误“致命错误:不在对象上下文中使用 $this...”
我可以在嵌套函数中使用 $this 吗?外部函数在我的课堂上。