void IPyraNet2DSourceLayer<OutType>::preprocessImage(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dest)
// initialize the gabor filter (just once)
if (gaborKernel.cols == 0 || gaborKernel.rows == 0)
cv::Mat unflippedKernel = cv::getGaborKernel(
gaborSigma, gaborTheta,
gaborLambda, gaborGamma, 0.0, /*psi*/);
// flip the kernel both orizontally and vertically (as required by cv::flip2D)
cv::flip(unflippedKernel, gaborKernel, -1);
// the generated values are very small. Scale them.
gaborKernel /= 2.0 * cv::sum(gaborKernel).val[0];
// apply Histogram Equalization
cv::equalizeHist(src, dest);
// convert the image from 0-255 to [-1.0 +1.0] and apply the gabor filter
cv::Mat scaledTo1;
dest.convertTo(scaledTo1, CV_64F, 2.0 / 255.0, -1.0); // (maxVal - minVal) / 255.0, minVal);
if (gaborEnabled) {
cv::Mat gaboredData;
cv::filter2D(scaledTo1, dest, CV_64F, gaborKernel);
} else {
dest = scaledTo1;
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(200): 错误 C2059: 语法错误: ')'
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(196) : 在使用 [OutType=float] 编译类模板成员函数 'void IPyraNet2DSourceLayer::preprocessImage(const cv::Mat &,cv::Mat &)' 时
\source\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(224) :参见使用 [ OutType=float ] 编译的类模板实例化 'IPyraNet2DSourceLayer' 的参考
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(200): 错误 C2059: 语法错误: ')'
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(196) : 在使用 [ OutType=double ] 编译类模板成员函数 'void IPyraNet2DSourceLayer::preprocessImage(const cv::Mat &,cv::Mat &)
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(225) :参见使用 [ OutType=double ] 编译的类模板实例化“IPyraNet2DSourceLayer”的参考
========== 构建:0 成功,1 失败,0 最新,0 跳过 ==========