We currently use google accounts for our site ibiblio.org. Setting up the tracking on our landing pages is no big deal. But, we have tons of "collections" on our server, which as a public service, we allow a ton of users to host their own website installs (usually wordpress or wikis). Here is an example of a collection

These installs exist on a server, each install is a subfolder. Is there a way we can track the activity of these subfolders (or installs) without having to inject tracking code into each of their HTML files? We have a lot of contributors, so injecting code could get messy.

Thanks so much for your time and help.


1 回答 1


根据 服务器的 编程语言,有一些方法可以在每次页面加载时创建谷歌分析请求(即每当页面请求被触发时)。如果 HTML 文件是静态提供的,则不可能跟踪整个站点,因为 GA 不会知道发生了页面加载。

于 2013-09-23T15:10:22.057 回答