global $debug;$debug = false; // toggle debug echoes and var_dumps
* Returns a boolean indicating whether the given URL is the current one.
* @param $otherURL the other URL, as a string. Can be any URL, relative or canonical. Invalid URLs will not match.
* @return true iff the given URL points to the same place as the current one
function isCurrentURL($otherURL)
{global $debug;
if ($thisURL == $otherURL) // unlikely, but possible. Might as well check.
return true;
// BEGIN Parse other URL
$otherProtocol = parse_url($otherURL);
$otherHost = $otherProtocol["host"] or null; // if $otherProtocol["host"] is set and is not null, use it. Else, use null.
$otherDomain = explode(".", $otherHost) or $otherDomain;
$otherSubdomain = array_shift($otherDomain); // subdom only
$otherDomain = implode(".", $otherDomain); // domain only
$otherFilepath = $otherProtocol["path"] or null;
$otherProtocol = $otherProtocol["scheme"] or null;
// END Parse other URL
// BEGIN Get current URL
#if($debug){echo '$_SERVER == '; var_dump($_SERVER);}
$thisProtocol = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO"]; // http or https
$thisHost = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; // subdom or subdom.domain.tld
$thisDomain = explode(".", $thisHost);
$thisSubdomain = array_shift($thisDomain); // subdom only
$thisDomain = implode(".", $thisDomain); // domain only
if ($thisDomain == "")
$thisDomain = $otherDomain;
$thisFilepath = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; // /path/to/file.php
$thisURL = "$thisProtocol://$thisHost$thisFilepath";
// END Get current URL
if($debug)echo"Current URL is $thisURL ($thisProtocol, $thisSubdomain, $thisDomain, $thisFilepath).\r\n";
if($debug)echo"Other URL is $otherURL ($otherProtocol, $otherHost, $otherFilepath).\r\n";
$thisDomainRegexed = isset($thisDomain) && $thisDomain != null && $thisDomain != "" ? "(\." . str_replace(".","\.",$thisDomain) . ")?" : ""; // prepare domain for insertion into regex
// v this makes the last slash before index.php optional
$regex = "/^(($thisProtocol:)?\/\/$thisSubdomain$thisDomainRegexed)?" . preg_replace('/index\\\..+$/i','?(index\..+)?', str_replace(array(".", "/"), array("\.", "\/"), $thisFilepath)) . '$/i';
if($debug)echo "\r\nregex is $regex\r\nComparing regex against $otherURL";
if (preg_match($regex, $otherURL))
if($debug)echo"\r\n\tIt's a match! Returning true...\r\n}\r\n-->";
return true;
if($debug)echo"\r\n\tOther URL is NOT a fully-qualified URL in this subdomain. Checking if it is relative...";
if($otherURL == $thisFilepath) // somewhat likely
if($debug)echo"\r\n\t\tOhter URL and this filepath are an exact match! Returning true...\r\n}\r\n-->";
return true;
if($debug)echo"\r\n\t\tFilepath is not an exact match. Testing against regex...";
$regex = regexFilepath($thisFilepath);
if($debug)echo"\r\n\t\tNew Regex is $regex";
if($debug)echo"\r\n\t\tComparing regex against $otherFilepath...";
if (preg_match($regex, $otherFilepath))
if($debug)echo"\r\n\t\t\tIt's a match! Returning true...\r\n}\r\n-->";
return true;
if($debug)echo"\r\nI tried my hardest, but couldn't match $otherURL to $thisURL. Returning false...\r\n}\r\n-->";
return false;
* Uses the given filepath to create a regex that will match it in any of its relative representations.
* @param $path the filepath to be converted
* @return a regex that matches a all relative forms of the given filepath
function regexFilepath($path)
{global $debug;
$filepathArray = explode("/", $path);
if (count($filepathArray) == 0)
throw new Exception("given parameter not a filepath: $path");
if ($filepathArray[0] == "") // this can happen if the path starts with a "/"
array_shift($filepathArray); // strip the first element off the array
$isIndex = preg_match("/^index\..+$/i", end($filepathArray));
$filename = array_pop($filepathArray);
$ret = '';
foreach($filepathArray as $i)
$ret = "(\.\.\/$ret$i\/)?"; // make a pseudo-recursive relative filepath
if($debug)echo "\r\n$ret";
$ret = preg_replace('/\)\?$/', '?)', $ret); // remove the last '?' and add one before the last '\/'
if($debug)echo "\r\n$ret";
$ret = '/^' . ($ret == '' ? '\.\/' : "((\.\/)|$ret)") . ($isIndex ? '(index\..+)?' : str_replace('.', '\.', $filename)) . '$/i'; // if this filepath leads to an index.php (etc.), then that filename is implied and irrelevant.