我有一个在我的 haskell 程序中使用的外部 dll。在某些特定情况下,dll 会崩溃。
简化:首先我需要使用 MethodA 向 dll 发送一些参数,然后调用 MethodB 对这些参数进行一些计算。如果我没有提供足够的参数,那么 MethodB 将使整个 dll 崩溃。在这种情况下,我的 Haskell 应用程序也会崩溃。
在 ghci 中,我收到以下消息:InitNumericalSystem::initializeSystem 中的错误。垃圾标签。
我曾尝试使用“catchAny,但这没有帮助。c_run 是我的外部 dll 方法,它需要 4 个输入参数:
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny = Control.Exception.catch
main :: IO ()
main = do
let timeTot = []::[CDouble]
timeNow = []::[CDouble]
runType = 2::CInt
timeTotPtr <- newArray timeTot
timeNowPtr <- newArray timeNow
result <- (catchAny $ c_run timeTotPtr runType timeNowPtr 0) $ \e -> do
putStrLn $ "Got an exception: " ++ show e
putStrLn "Returning dummy value of -1"
return (-1)
free timeTotPtr
free timeNowPtr
print result
编辑:我也尝试过 withAsync,但没有运气 tryAny :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a) tryAny action = withAsync action waitCatch
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny action onE = tryAny action >>= either onE return
try2 :: IO ()
try2 = do
let timeTot = []::[CDouble]
timeNow = []::[CDouble]
runType = 2::CInt
timeTotPtr <- newArray timeTot
timeNowPtr <- newArray timeNow
putStrLn $ "c_run going to call c_run.."
result <- catchAny (c_run timeTotPtr runType timeNowPtr 0) (const $ return (-1))
free timeTotPtr
free timeNowPtr
putStrLn $ "Result: " ++ show result