I am planning to create a public facing website somethings on the lines of each user having a single profile page which they can maintain/update regularly. On this page the user can upload some pics and update their personal information. I have 3 tier structure in mind.

I need inputs in creating my data layer. I have read many posts but I am not convinced on which particular approach to finalize. I have read about entity framework, Microsoft enterprise library, core ado.net etc. Many blogs say that its best to use plain ado.net for better performance.

Could you point out which could be the best approach for my case where I am looking for faster processing and performance. In terms of technology I am looking for asp.net, c#, data calls with WCF and No MVC.

Also in case of plain ado.net are there any ready to use Library available which I could use and get started with.



1 回答 1


我不会使用平面 ADO.NET,如果您正在查看全局,我会认为这是一种微优化 - 通过使用缓存、智能数据结构,您将获得比使用普通 ado.net 更多的东西。实体框架增加了一些成本,这是毫无疑问的,它显示在这里(虽然它可能已经过时):


您可以使用基准测试中提到的一些微型 orm 框架,但通常微型是自费的,例如,我见过的大多数微型框架都存在连接问题(它们允许在纯 sql 中使用它们,但没有用于用键入的 c# 编写)。例如,Stackoverflow 有人员资料并使用微型 ORM Dapper,它们的性能非常好,因为如果我没记错的话,大约 95% 的请求是从 Reddis 缓存而不是数据库提供的。


于 2013-09-23T06:21:12.980 回答