Hello all i want to ask how to reload the appended data .. Actually i am having a page which goes infinite scrolling .. and i need to reload the appending elements when clicked on a particular element .. the loading is fine for the elements that are not appending (previously present when the page loads) .

loading by ajax is working fine (checked) just wana ask how to use load method of ajax for the divs in the appended data..

$("#abc").load("load.php #abc"); 

1 回答 1


我认为你的活动有问题。如果您使用 jQuery 的.clickor.bind事件处理程序,则不会针对新添加的元素。尝试$(".clickable").live("click", function());使新添加的元素也可点击。

正如 jQuery 文档所说: http ://api.jquery.com/live/


于 2013-09-23T06:19:04.667 回答