我正在处理的 vbscript 有问题。该脚本重命名,然后将一些 FTP 日志文件从一个文件夹移动到另一个文件夹。该脚本正在运行,但后来我意识到我有一个名为 delete_junkfiles.log 的文件,但我不希望这个文件被重命名或移动,只是留在源文件夹中。
我知道你们 vbscript 专家,这可能真的很容易,但我对 vbs 还很陌生,我只是不知道如何忽略 delete_junkfiles.log 并不管它。任何帮助你们可以把我的将不胜感激。下面是我的脚本......
Dim WshShell, FileManagement, BrowseDialogBox, SelectedFolder, OldString, NewString, FullPath, TheFolder, FileList
Dim File, ThisFile, TheString, AlreadyRenamed, TempName, FlagName, Success, FindFlag, NewName, Dummy
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FileManagement = WScript.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set BrowseDialogBox = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set SelectedFolder = BrowseDialogBox.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select the folder containing the files you want to rename.", &H0001)
If InStr(1, TypeName(SelectedFolder), "Folder") = 0 Then
OldString = InputBox("Enter the characters in the filename that you want to replace","Rename Files")
If OldString = "" Then Wscript.Quit
NewString = InputBox("Enter the characters that you want to replace them with","Rename Files")
If NewString = "" Then Wscript.Quit
End If
FullPath = SelectedFolder.ParentFolder.ParseName(SelectedFolder.Title).Path
Set TheFolder = FileManagement.GetFolder(FullPath)
Set FileList = TheFolder.Files
Success = 0
ThisFile = File.Name
TheString = InStr(ThisFile, OldString)
AlreadyRenamed = InStr(ThisFile, "%")
If (TheString <> 0) AND (AlreadyRenamed = 0) Then
Success = 1
TempName = Replace(ThisFile, OldString, NewString)
FlagName = "%" + TempName
File.Name = FlagName
End If
For Each File in FileList
ThisFile = File.Name
FindFlag = InStr(ThisFile, "%")
If FindFlag <> 0 Then
NewName = Replace(ThisFile, "%", "")
File.Name = NewName
End If
'Move the files
For Each File in FileList
FileManagement.MoveFile "C:\Users\lislej\Desktop\test_move\*.log", "C:\Users\lislej\Desktop\test_move_to\"
If Success = 1 Then
Dummy = WshShell.Popup ("Rename Files operation complete!",5,"Rename Files",64)
Dummy = WshShell.Popup ("Rename Files operation failed! Please repeat the operation.",0,"Rename Files",16)
End If