我有我的源目录和目标目录,包含 5 个 DLL。我想做的是:如果 DLL 没有更新,那么如果没有更新,则替换 DLL - 跳过

问题是我不知道如何检查 DLL 是否已更新。例如,如果在 dest 目录中,我的 DLL 是“9/22/2013 15:15”,而在我的源代码中是“9/22/2012 16:00" 然后我想更换它


import shutil
src = "C:\\steve_test\\Test_xp\\added"
dst = "C:\\steve_test\\Test_xp\\moved"
shutil.move(src, dst)

1 回答 1


我会建议与 msw 建议的相同,即您使用os.stat.


此答案假定您的 python 文件与您的srcanddest目录位于同一目录级别。下面代码背后的逻辑应该向您展示如何更新文件:




import os
import shutil

# Imported for convenience
from collections import namedtuple

# Main function, so this can act like a script
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)))  # Root directory

    file_change_times_dest = []  # List of files from destination folder
    file_change_times_src = []  # List of files from source folder

    # Nameed tuple to ease writing code
    FileInformation = namedtuple('FileInformation', ['file_path', 'file_name', 'last_modified'])

    # Loop through files in destination folder to collect information
    for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dest')):
        for file in files:
            # getting file path
            file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
            # getting file change info and casting it to FileInformation type
            file_change_times_dest.append(FileInformation(file_path, file, os.stat(file_path).st_mtime))

    # Loop through source folder, same logic
    for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'src')):
        for file in files:
            file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
            file_change_times_src.append(FileInformation(file_path, file,os.stat(file_path).st_mtime))

    # Comparing the two, using Zip to combine the two lists into a tuple
    for file_comp in zip(file_change_times_dest, file_change_times_src):

        # Settings variables for 0 and 1 to make writing code easier
        _DEST = 0
        _SRC = 1

        # File comparison, to see if file name is the same, since we want to update
        if file_comp[_SRC].file_name == file_comp[_DEST].file_name:
            # If the last modified is greater for source, then we copy
            if file_comp[_SRC].last_modified > file_comp[_DEST].last_modified:
                shutil.copy(file_comp[_SRC].file_path, file_comp[_DEST].file_path)
                print("File moved")  # Just for checking


于 2013-09-22T18:22:22.283 回答