我正好有 11 个文件。这些被命名为 1.jpg、2.jpg 到 11.jpg。我想出了以下一半的作品。


我注意到这个人在重命名文件夹时遇到了类似的问题,但是我没有足够的知识将它应用到我的场景中。在 AppleScript 中批量重命名文件夹,只会更改每个其他文件夹的名称

display dialog "Person ID number. (numerals only)?" default answer ""
tell application "Finder"
set personid to text returned of result
set home_path to home as text
set file1name to "_front"
set file2name to "_prof"
set file3name to "_neck"
set file4name to "_no_phon"
set file5name to "_phon"
set file6name to "_max"
set file7name to "_prof_max"
set file8name to "_relax"
set file9name to "_prof_relax"
set file10name to "_depress_no_phon"
set file11name to "_depress_phon"

tell folder (home_path & "Downloads:sagicphotos")
    set name of file 1 to "PRN" & personid & file1name & "." & name extension of file 1
    set name of file 2 to "PRN" & personid & file2name & "." & name extension of file 2
    set name of file 3 to "PRN" & personid & file3name & "." & name extension of file 3
    set name of file 4 to "PRN" & personid & file4name & "." & name extension of file 4
    set name of file 5 to "PRN" & personid & file5name & "." & name extension of file 5
    set name of file 6 to "PRN" & personid & file6name & "." & name extension of file 6
    set name of file 7 to "PRN" & personid & file7name & "." & name extension of file 7
    set name of file 8 to "PRN" & personid & file8name & "." & name extension of file 8
    set name of file 9 to "PRN" & personid & file9name & "." & name extension of file 9
    set name of file 10 to "PRN" & personid & file10name & "." & name extension of file 10
    set name of file 11 to "PRN" & personid & file11name & "." & name extension of file 11
end tell
end tell

2 回答 2



set personid to "1234"

set filenames to paragraphs of "_front

set filelist to paragraphs of (do shell script "cd ~/Downloads/sagicphotos; ls | sort -n")
tell application "Finder"
    set i to 1
    repeat with f in filelist
        tell file ((home as text) & "Downloads:sagicphotos:" & f)
            set name to "PRN" & personid & item i of filenames & "." & name extension
        end tell
        set i to i + 1
    end repeat
end tell

或使用 shell 脚本:



cd ~/Downloads/sagicphotos
for f in $(ls | sort -n); do
  mv $f PRN$personid${filenames[i++]}.${f##*.}
于 2013-09-22T08:29:18.227 回答

对用户:495470 答案稍作更改。

正如我在评论中指出的那样。如果您不考虑返回的文件列表的排序顺序和文件名列表的顺序,则文件名”和文件的顺序(即 1、2、3、4...)将不匹配。

set theHomeF to ((path to home folder) & "Desktop:test:test1" as text) as alias
set personid to "1234"
set filenames to paragraphs of "_front

tell application "Finder"
    set file_namesList to ""
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"
    set thefiles to files of theHomeF

    set theNames to (name of files of theHomeF)

    set file_namesList to text items of theNames as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
    set file_namesList to paragraphs of (do shell script " echo  " & quoted form of file_namesList & "|sort -n")
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in file_namesList
        set this_item to item i of file_namesList
        set thisFile to (some file of theHomeF whose name is this_item)
        set name of thisFile to "PRN" & personid & item i of filenames & "." & name extension of thisFile
    end repeat
end tell

请注意将 AppleScript 的文本项分隔符设置为 {" "} 的行有一个\n (引号之间的新行)


于 2013-09-22T18:51:55.637 回答