context: I'm a beginner in Perl and struggling, please be patient, thanks.

the question: there is a one-liner that seems to do the job I want (in a cygwin console it does fine on my test file). So now I would need to turn it into a script, but I can't manage that unfortunately.

The one-liner in question is provided in the answer by Aki here Delete lines in perl

perl -ne 'print unless /HELLO/../GOODBYE/' <file_name>

Namely I would like to have a script that opens my file "test.dat" and removes the lines between some strings HELLO and GOODBYE. Here is what I tried and which fails (the path is fine for cygwin):

use strict;
use warnings;

open (THEFILE, "+<test.dat") || die "error opening";
my $line;
while ($line =<THEFILE>){
next if /hello/../goodbye/;
print THEFILE $line;
close (THEFILE);

Many thanks in advance!


1 回答 1



while (<>) {
    print unless /HELLO/../GOODBYE/;


perl -ni -e 'print unless /HELLO/../GOODBYE/' file


IMO,最简单和最安全的方法是简单地使用 shell 重定向

perl script.pl file.txt > newfile.txt


于 2013-09-21T16:05:39.887 回答