I have a QVBoxLayout inside a scrollArea. I dynamically add QFormLayouts.
widgetTreeStruct* tree = new widgetTreeStruct(QString::number(numberOfGraphs));
QFormLayout* layout = tree->getTree(); // get QFormLayout
ui->verticalLayout_2->addLayout(layout); //add to the vertical layout
At one point I need to remove all the added QFormLayouts from the QVBoxLayout.
I tried several ways to do this.
- Using qDeleteAll()
2.delete item one by one
QLayoutItem* child;
while((child = ui->verticalLayout_2->takeAt(0)) != 0)
if(child->widget() != 0)
delete child->widget();
delete child;
But nothing happened. Only thing is when I try to add items to QVBoxLayout again new items are added on top of the previously added items.
I sense that I have to redraw, repaint, update, refresh or something. I tried ui->verticalLayout_2->update();
but didn't work for me.
So, What should I do?