Imagine I have a model that I want to use in a LibGDX game project (as described here). Let's say, it's the model of a human. Now I want to do several animations with this human: I want him to raise his left/right arm, his left/right leg, to raise a single finger, and also all possible combinations of those animations.

My question is: Do I need to create a single animation for all of those movements outside of my Java code (which would mean I need a file for every single animation and would make my project extremly large), or is it somehow possible to create a model (e.g. by using Blender's Armature or something like that) that can be transformed inside my Java code?


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假设您询问是否可以使用 g3db/g3dj 文件格式包含一个或多个动画。是的你可以。只需创建您的模型,包括骨架和动画。将其导出到 FBX(启用动画)。接下来,转换为 g3db 或 g3dj (fbx-conv -f file.fbx)。按照您引用的教程中的说明加载您的模型。现在您可以使用 AnimationController 为您的模型设置动画。如果要同时组合多个动画,可以使用多个 AnimationController,只要它们不影响相同的骨骼即可。

于 2013-09-21T23:07:50.560 回答