var json = null
while (list != null) {
json = new Gson().toJson(list)
变量必须在循环之外访问,所以我在循环之外声明它并用 初始化null
,但是 Scala 编译器给了我一个类型不匹配异常......
Why are you using a while loop to convert a single list to JSON? Until you explain why you need a loop (or, repeated conversions to JSON, more generally speaking), I'd suggest the following trivial snippet:
val json = new Gson().toJson(list)
Note that I've also changed var json
to val json
However, if all you want to know is how to get rid of the type mismatch exception, just change:
var json = null
var json: String = null
var json: String = _
If you don't declare json
to be of type String
, Scala will implicitly take it to be (i.e. infer) of type Null
, and it's not possible to assign values of type String
to a variable of type Null
此函数适用于 List 和 Map 都使用普通的 Scala 构造:
def toJson(a: Any): String = {
a match {
// number
case m: Number => m.toString
// string
case m: String => "\"" + m + "\""
case m: Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] => {
"{" + (m map { x => val key = x._1; toJson(key) + ": " + toJson(m(key)) } mkString (", ")) + "}"
case l: Seq[AnyRef] => { "[" + (l map (toJson(_)) mkString (",")) + "]" }
// for anything else: tuple
case m: Product => toJson(m.productIterator.toList)
case m: AnyRef => "\"" + m.toString + "\""