我有一个看起来像这样的 Json 对象:

     wvw_matches: [
               wvw_match_id: "1-4",
               red_world_id: 1011,
               blue_world_id: 1003,
               green_world_id: 1002,
               start_time: "2013-09-14T01:00:00Z",
               end_time: "2013-09-21T01:00:00Z"
               wvw_match_id: "1-2",
               red_world_id: 1017,
               blue_world_id: 1021,
               green_world_id: 1009,
               start_time: "2013-09-14T01:00:00Z",
               end_time: "2013-09-21T01:00:00Z"

它在数组中包含的对象比上面的示例显示的要多得多。无论如何,我需要根据 wvw_match_id 选择 Json 对象。



2 回答 2


由于从评论中您似乎已经对使用JObject和 Linq 的想法感到满意,因此这里有一个示例程序,演示了如何使用该方法通过 ID 从您的 JSON 中获取特定匹配:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string json = @"
            wvw_matches: [
                    wvw_match_id: ""1-4"",
                    red_world_id: 1011,
                    blue_world_id: 1003,
                    green_world_id: 1002,
                    start_time: ""2013-09-14T01:00:00Z"",
                    end_time: ""2013-09-21T01:00:00Z""
                    wvw_match_id: ""1-2"",
                    red_world_id: 1017,
                    blue_world_id: 1021,
                    green_world_id: 1009,
                    start_time: ""2013-09-14T01:00:00Z"",
                    end_time: ""2013-09-21T01:00:00Z""

        string matchIdToFind = "1-2";
        JObject jo = JObject.Parse(json);

        JObject match = jo["wvw_matches"].Values<JObject>()
            .Where(m => m["wvw_match_id"].Value<string>() == matchIdToFind)

        if (match != null)
            foreach (JProperty prop in match.Properties())
                Console.WriteLine(prop.Name + ": " + prop.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("match not found");



wvw_match_id: 1-2
red_world_id: 1017
blue_world_id: 1021
green_world_id: 1009
start_time: 9/14/2013 1:00:00 AM
end_time: 9/21/2013 1:00:00 AM
于 2013-09-20T23:47:32.580 回答

You should just serialize it as you normally would then filter the array with LINQ. So I'm just going to assume you've defined a class for the objects in this array, call it MyObj

MyObj[] myObjects = serializer.Deserialize<MyObj[]>(jsonAsAString);
var filteredObjs = myObjects.Where(x => x.wvw_match_id == "the id i'm filtering on");

Keep in mind it's much easier to work with native C# objects than JSON. JSON.NET is for doing the serialization/deserialization. Filtering your collection is something you want to do with iteration or LINQ.

于 2013-09-20T22:28:59.713 回答