With Data.Cells(rowMatch, GWECol)
.Value = Cmp.Cells(i, GWENetPr)
.Comment.Text Text:=UCase(Environ("UserName")) & ":" & vbNewLine _
& "Comment: " & Cmp.Cells(i, CommCol) & vbNewLine _
& "Transaction: " & Cmp.Cells(i, QRTran) & vbNewLine _
& "QR Pr: " & Cmp.Cells(i, QRPr) & vbNewLine _
& "QR WD: " & Cmp.Cells(i, QRWD) & vbNewLine _
& "QR WD All: " & Cmp.Cells(i, QRWDA) & vbNewLine _
& "QR XPr: " & Cmp.Cells(i, QRXPr) & vbNewLine _
& "QR XAll: " & Cmp.Cells(i, QRXAll) & vbNewLine _
& "GWE Pr: " & Cmp.Cells(i, GWEPr) & vbNewLine _
& "GWE All: " & Cmp.Cells(i, GWEAll) & vbNewLine _
& "GWE XPr: " & Cmp.Cells(i, GWEXPr) & vbNewLine _
& "GWE XAll: " & Cmp.Cells(i, GWEXAll)
.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
End With
其中 Cmp.Cells(i, X) 指的是可能有 #N/A 错误(失败的 VLOOKUP)的单元格。
是否可以让代码仅将 #N/A 作为字符串接收或将其留空?现在,只要引用的单元格之一是#N/A,块就会失败,并且根本不会添加任何注释文本。