我正在尝试在此页面底部设置 GitHub 为 Windows 7 推荐的密码缓存实用程序,但无法理解问题所在(导致程序停止工作,需要我关闭它)。


Unhandled Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at Git.Credential.WinStore.Program.InstallTheApp(String pathToGit, Boolean silent)
at Git.Credential.WinStore.Program.Main(String[] args)

指示错误是在路径环境变量中查找 GIT。我的错误缺少“String pathToGit”,这意味着我不是这种情况,所以我不知道为什么我无法安装(我第一次使用 Git!)...

Unhandled Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at Git.Credential.WinStore.Program.InstallTheApp(Boolean silent)
at Git.Credential.WinStore.Program.Main(String[] args)



2 回答 2


我知道这是一个老问题,但我在 Windows 10 64 位上也遇到了这个错误,解决方案是:

  1. 下载 git-credential-winstore.exe 并将其安装在
    c:\Program Files\Git
    (64 位 Git 安装的默认位置)
  2. 启动 BINGW64
  3. 运行这个命令:
    ./git-credential-winstore -i "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe"


于 2015-12-23T01:44:12.857 回答

I got this error when I tried to run git-credential-winstore.exe by double-clicking it. I had success by going to a cygwin window (where I run git) and running it there.

I suspect it would have failed if I had tried to run it from a Windows command prompt window, as well.

Hope this helps.

于 2014-04-16T21:44:39.613 回答