我下面的代码读取 C 中的文件。它显示文件、平均分数、最高分数以及所有获得最高分数的学生的姓名。考试成绩(0-100 格式到小数点后 1 位,并使用列的字段宽度)存储在一个数组中,名称(姓名和姓氏限制为 15 个字符)存储在一个二维字符数组中,即与分数数组平行。我的问题是:
1)代码没有正确读取(打印)文件(我认为与 fscanf 和数组有关)。
#include "tools.h"
#define MAX 30 // Maximum number of students
int computeMax(double stSco[], int numSt); // Gets the average and highest
// score
void outputBest(double num[], char nameHg[][15], int hgPl, int totStu);
int main()
double score[MAX];
char name[MAX][15];
char fileName[80];
int k, count = 0, hgCt;
stream dataFile;
printf("Type the name of file you want to read\n");
scanf("%79[^/n]", fileName);
dataFile = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (dataFile == NULL)
fatal("Cannot open %s for input", fileName);
while (!feof(dataFile))
fscanf(dataFile, "(%lg,%s)", &score[k], &name[k]);
printf("%6.1f %s\n", score[k], name[k]);
count++; // It counts how many students there are
hgCt = computeMax(score, count); // Stores the value sent by the
// function
outputBest(score, name, hgCt, count);
return 0;
int computeMax(double stSco[], int numSt)
int k, maxScore = 0, sum = 0;
double maximum = 0, average = 0;
for (k = 0; k < numSt; k++)
sum += stSco[k]; // It sums all scores
if (stSco[k] > maximum)
maximum = stSco[k];
maxScore = k; // Stores the index of the maximum score
average = sum / numSt;
printf("The average score is %d\n", average);
printf("The maximum score is %d\n", maximum);
return maxScore;
void outputBest(double num[], char nameHg[][15], int hgPl, int totStu)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < totStu; k++)
if (num[k] = hgPl)
{ // It finds who has the highest score
printf("%s got the highest score\n", nameHg[k]);