所以我有两个数组 - $twitterData 和 $facebookData。

$twitterData 看起来像

[0] => Array
        [text] => Hello World http://somelink
        [type] => twitter

[1] => Array
        [text] => We like to keep our developers happy! 
        [type] => twitter

$facebookData 看起来像

[0] => Array
            [text] => We like to keep our developers happy! http://somelink.com
            [type] => facebook

[1] => Array
            [text] => Take a look
            [type] => facebook

我试图将这两个数组合并到一个名为 $socialFeed 的数组中。问题是我试图以这种方式合并它们,所以假设“文本”键的前 50 个字符对于任何两个数组项都相同,那么我将合并数组只让该项显示一次。因此,“我们想让我们的开发人员开心!http://somelink.com ”会出现一次(而不是一个有链接,一个没有链接)。

我尝试使用 array_diff 和 array_intersect 但它们都比较键的整个值,而不仅仅是文本键的前 X 个字符。


2 回答 2


我继续为你准备了一堂课。基本上我遍历两个数组并创建一个仅包含两个数组中的文本数据的新数组。创建新数组后(检查具有相同文本的现有数组数据 - 没有重复),我为每个原始数组设置布尔变量,然后循环遍历唯一文本字符串数组并检查每个数组中的文本字符串。如果我在原始数组之一中找到文本,我会更改相应原始数组的布尔值。我测试两个布尔变量的值并相应地设置新的 $socialArr 值。希望这是有道理的。代码经过测试并且可以工作。


class socialArray {

    public function init($twitter,$facebook){
        $this->combinedText = $this->combinedTextArr($twitter,$facebook);
        $this->socialArr = $this->makeSocialArr($twitter,$facebook);
        return $this->socialArr;

    public function combinedTextArr($twitter,$facebook){
        $combinedText = array();
        foreach($twitter as $key => $value){
            if( !in_array($value["text"],$combinedText ) ){
                $combinedText[] = $value["text"];
        foreach($facebook as $key => $value){
            if( !in_array($value["text"],$combinedText ) ){
                $combinedText[] = $value["text"];
        return $combinedText;

    public function makeSocialArr($twitter,$facebook){
        $socialArr = array();
        foreach($this->combinedText as $value){
            $twitterTest = false;
            $facebookTest = false;
            foreach($twitter as $var){
                if( $var["text"] == $value) {
                    $twitterTest = true;
            foreach($facebook as $var){
                if( $var["text"] == $value ) {
                    $facebookTest = true;
            if( $twitterTest === true && $facebookTest === false ) {
                $socialArr[] = array(
                                        'text' => $value,
                                        'type' => 'twitter'
            } else if ( $twitterTest === false && $facebookTest === true ) {
                $socialArr[] = array(
                                        'text' => $value,
                                        'type' => 'facebook'
            } else if ( $twitterTest === true && $facebookTest === true ) {
                $socialArr[] = array(
                                        'text' => $value,
                                        'type' => 'both'
        return $socialArr;


$facebook = array();

$facebook[] = array(
                    "text" => "A post on facebook with text and stuff",
                    "type" => "facebook"

$facebook[] = array(
                    "text" => "This occurs in both arrays",
                    "type" => "facebook"

$twitter = array();

$twitter[] = array(
                    "text" => "A tweet of the utmost importance",
                    "type" => "twitter"

$twitter[] = array(
                    "text" => "This occurs in both arrays",
                    "type" => "twitter"

$socArrMaker = new socialArray();
$socialArr = $socArrMaker->init($twitter,$facebook);

echo "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">body{ font-family: sans-serif; }</style></head><body><pre>\r\n";
echo "</pre></body></html>\r\n";


    [0] => Array
            [text] => A tweet of the utmost importance
            [type] => twitter

    [1] => Array
            [text] => This occurs in both arrays
            [type] => both

    [2] => Array
            [text] => A post on facebook with text and stuff
            [type] => facebook

于 2013-09-23T14:44:54.157 回答


$feedResult = array();

foreach ($twitterPost AS $entry){
    $newKey = substr($entry["text"], 0 , 10); //first 10chars
    if (isset($feedResult[$newKey])){
       //actually this will never happen, because when iterating the FIRST
       //post array, there will be no entry. But doing so allows to swap arround
       //the processing order of networks.
       $feedResult[$newKey]["network"][] = "twitter"; //add another network
       //create new entry
       $feedResult[$newKey] = array("network" => array("twitter"), "text" => $entry["text"]);

foreach ($facebookPost AS $entry){
    $newKey = substr($entry["text"], 0 , 10); //first 10chars
    if (isset($feedResult[$newKey])){
       $feedResult[$newKey]["network"][] = "facebook"; //add another network
       //create new entry
       $feedResult[$newKey] = array("network" => array("facebook"), "text" => $entry["text"]);


["Hello Worl"] => Array
  ["Text"] = "Hello World http://somelink"
  ["network"] => Array
       [0] => "twitter" 
["We like to"] => Array
  ["Text"] = "We like to keep our developers happy!"
  ["network"] => Array
     [0] => "twitter",
     [1] => "facebook" 
["Take a loo"] => Array
  ["Text"] = "Take a look"
  ["network"] => Array
     [0] => "facebook" 

一种优化是使用md5()COMPLETE 文本的散列作为新键。然后它们被合并,当文本值相等时 - (或哈希冲突,但那是另一个主题,很可能不会发生在新闻帖子中)

于 2013-09-20T19:09:34.350 回答