WCF 是一个通用的通信框架,您使用它的次数越多,您需要调整的旋钮就越多(端点、安全性、序列化等)。我有一个对许多 QoS 属性敏感的应用程序,我想开始调整设置以了解每个设置如何影响这个基于 WCF 的应用程序的带宽、延迟和可伸缩性。


  • 通话次数
  • 通话往返时间
  • 带宽利用率
  • 请求和响应的序列化大小

FWIW,只要有合理的入口点可以插入钩子,我不介意捕获这些指标(即使这意味着深入研究特定的实现——例如 DuplexChannel)。


1 回答 1


WCF has a ton of performance counters available - from your performance monitor in Windows, you should be able to select a wide range of counters to see how things are going.

You can measure a ton of things, like number of concurrent calls, duration of those calls, and a lot more. Tap into it - it's almost endless in its capabilities! :-)

See this WCF Performance Counters page on MSDN for details.

See how to enable and also monitor perf counters in WCF here or here.

于 2009-12-12T08:26:10.583 回答