遇到了另一个“应该很容易”的问题。我有一个 ScriptUI 窗口,我需要在其中检查以确保所有字段都已填写。这个想法是,当用户单击“确定”按钮时,脚本会检查以确保字段已填写。如果没有,那么它应该提醒用户这样做并再次显示相同的窗口,直到他们填写它全力以赴。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

var windowTitle = "Output Script v1.00 by Chris McGee";
var curDate = new Date();
var curDay = curDate.getDate();
var curMonth = curDate.getMonth() + 1;
var curYear = curDate.getYear() - 100;
var dateFormat = /^(0?[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.]\d\d$/;

var outputData = new Window("dialog", windowTitle);
    outputData.preferredSize = [337, 286];
    outputData.orientation = "stack";
    outputData.margins = 0;
    var stackGroup = outputData.add("group");
        stackGroup.margins = [0, 55, 0, 0];
        stackGroup.alignment = ["", "top"];
        stackGroup.alignChildren = ["", "top"];
        var textPanel = stackGroup.add("panel");
            textPanel.orientation = "row";
            textPanel.alignChildren = ["", "bottom"];
            var staticGroup = textPanel.add("group");
                staticGroup.orientation = "column";
                staticGroup.alignChildren = "right";
                staticGroup.spacing = 16;
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Order Number:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Ship Date:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Initials:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Ove&rruns?");
            var editGroup = textPanel.add("group");
                editGroup.orientation = "column";
                editGroup.alignChildren = "left";
                var orderNumText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    orderNumText.characters = 8;
                    orderNumText.active = true;
                    orderNumText.onChange = function ()
                        if (!/\b\d{6}\b/.test(orderNumText.text))
                            // If the entered text does not contain exactly 6 digits.
                            alert("The order number does not appear to conform to a standard order number.\n Please fix and try again.");
                var shipDateText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    shipDateText.characters = 8;
                    shipDateText.onChange = function ()
                        if (dateFormat.test(shipDateText.text))
                            var enteredDate = shipDateText.text.match(/\b\d*\b/g);
                            var entMonth = parseInt(enteredDate[0]);
                            var entDay = parseInt(enteredDate[2]);
                            var entYear = parseInt(enteredDate[4]);
                            if (entYear < curYear || entYear > curYear + 1)
                                // If the entered year is older than the current year, or
                                // if the entered year is two or more years in the future.
                                alert("Invalid date entered.  Please fix.");
                            else if ((entYear > curYear && curMonth < 12) || entMonth > curMonth + 1)
                                // If the entered month is more than one month ahead, just verify that it is correct.
                                alert("Please verify that the entered date is correct before proceeding.");
                            else if ((entMonth < curMonth && curMonth < 12) || (entMonth == curMonth && entDay < curDay))
                                // If the entered date is within the same month, but on an earlier day, alert the user.
                                alert("Invalid date entered.  Please fix.");
                            alert("Date format not recognized.  Please try again.\nDate must be in the form of MM/DD/YY.");
                            shipDateText.text = "";
                var initialsText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    initialsText.characters = 3;
                var overRunsBox = editGroup.add("checkbox");
        var buttonGroup = stackGroup.add("group");
            buttonGroup.orientation = "column";
            var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK", {name: "ok"});
            buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel", {name: "cancel"});

var allFieldsFilled = false;
while (!allFieldsFilled)
    // If the user clicked "OK", then the contents get put into variables and the work begins on the document(s).
    if (outputData.show() == 1) {
        if (orderNumText.text == "" || shipDateText.text == "" || initialsText.text == "")
            alert("Please fill out ALL fields.");
            allFieldsFilled = true;
            var orderNum = orderNumText.text;
            var shipDate = shipDateText.text;
            var outputInitials = initialsText.text;
            var overRuns = overRunsBox.value;
    } else {
        // If the user clicked "Cancel".


编辑 09/23/2013:我添加了代码以便它可以运行。我还注意到,即使用户单击“取消”,也会出现有关输入文本的警报窗口。

编辑 09/24/2013:我已经尝试实现@ariestav 的想法,所以我的代码现在看起来像这样:

var outputData = new Window("dialog", windowTitle);
    outputData.preferredSize = [337, 286];
    outputData.orientation = "stack";
    outputData.margins = 0;
    var stackGroup = outputData.add("group");
        stackGroup.margins = [0, 55, 0, 0];
        stackGroup.alignment = ["", "top"];
        stackGroup.alignChildren = ["", "top"];
        var textPanel = stackGroup.add("panel");
            textPanel.orientation = "row";
            textPanel.alignChildren = ["", "bottom"];
            var staticGroup = textPanel.add("group");
                staticGroup.orientation = "column";
                staticGroup.alignChildren = "right";
                staticGroup.spacing = 16;
                staticGroup.graphics.foregroundColor = staticGroup.graphics.newPen(outputData.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1);
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Order Number:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Ship Date:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Initials:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Ove&rruns?");
            var editGroup = textPanel.add("group");
                editGroup.orientation = "column";
                editGroup.alignChildren = "left";
                var orderNumText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    orderNumText.characters = 8;
                    orderNumText.active = true;
                    orderNumText.onChange = function ()
                        if (!/\b\d{6}\b/.test(orderNumText.text))
                            // If the entered text does not contain exactly 6 digits.
                            alert("The order number does not appear to conform to a standard order number.\n Please fix and try again.");
                var shipDateText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    shipDateText.characters = 8;
                    shipDateText.onChange = function ()
                        if (dateFormat.test(shipDateText.text))
                            var enteredDate = shipDateText.text.match(/\b\d*\b/g);
                            var entMonth = parseInt(enteredDate[0]);
                            var entDay = parseInt(enteredDate[2]);
                            var entYear = parseInt(enteredDate[4]);
                            if (entYear < curYear || entYear > curYear + 1)
                                // If the entered year is older than the current year, or
                                // if the entered year is two or more years in the future.
                                alert("Invalid date entered.  Please fix.");
                            else if ((entYear > curYear && curMonth < 12) || entMonth > curMonth + 1)
                                // If the entered month is more than one month ahead, just verify that it is correct.
                                alert("Please verify that the entered date is correct before proceeding.");
                            else if ((entMonth < curMonth && curMonth < 12) || (entMonth == curMonth && entDay < curDay))
                                // If the entered date is within the same month, but on an earlier day, alert the user.
                                alert("Invalid date entered.  Please fix.");
                            alert("Date format not recognized.  Please try again.\nDate must be in the form of MM/DD/YY.");
                            shipDateText.text = "";
                var initialsText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    initialsText.characters = 3;
                var overRunsBox = editGroup.add("checkbox");
        var buttonGroup = stackGroup.add("group");
            buttonGroup.orientation = "column";
            var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK", {name: "ok"});
                okButton.onClick = function ()
                    if (orderNumText.text == "" || shipDateText.text == "" || initialsText.text == "")
                        alert("Please fill out ALL fields.");
            var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel", {name: "cancel"});
                cancelButton.onClick = function () {$.writeln("Canceling."); outputData.close(); exit();}


var orderNum = orderNumText.text;
var shipDate = shipDateText.text;
var outputInitials = initialsText.text;
var overRuns = overRunsBox.value;



2 回答 2



cancelButton.onClick = function () {$.writeln("Canceling."); outputData.close();}
于 2013-11-28T05:49:43.730 回答

因此,该问题的最简单解决方案是几乎没有文档记录的解决方案。事实证明,该.enabled属性可用于(几乎)任何 ScriptUI 对象。因此,我可以简单地禁用OK按钮,直到所有字段都通过验证。我需要一个单独的函数,但它完美无缺:

function ifFieldsFilled ()
    if (orderNumText.text != "" && shipDateText.text != "" && initialsText.text != "" && dateValid)
        return true;
        return false;

var curDate = new Date();
var curDay = curDate.getDate();
var curMonth = curDate.getMonth() + 1;
var curYear = curDate.getYear() - 100;
var dateFormat = /^(0?[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.]\d\d$/;
var dateValid = false;

var outputData = new Window("dialog", windowTitle);
    outputData.preferredSize = [337, 300];
    outputData.orientation = "stack";
    outputData.margins = 0;
    var stackGroup = outputData.add("group");
        stackGroup.margins = [0, 48, 0, 0];
        stackGroup.alignment = ["", "top"];
        stackGroup.alignChildren = ["", "top"];
        var textPanel = stackGroup.add("panel");
            textPanel.orientation = "row";
            textPanel.alignChildren = ["", "bottom"];
            var staticGroup = textPanel.add("group");
                staticGroup.orientation = "column";
                staticGroup.alignChildren = "right";
                staticGroup.spacing = 16;
                staticGroup.graphics.foregroundColor = staticGroup.graphics.newPen(outputData.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1);
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Order Number:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Ship Date:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "&Initials:");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Ove&rruns?");
                staticGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Digital &Print?");
            var editGroup = textPanel.add("group");
                editGroup.orientation = "column";
                editGroup.alignChildren = "left";
                var orderNumText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    orderNumText.characters = 8;
                    orderNumText.active = true;
                    orderNumText.onChange = function ()
                        if (!/\b\d{6}\b/.test(orderNumText.text) && orderNumText.text != "")
                            // If the entered text does not contain exactly 6 digits.
                            alert("The order number does not appear to conform to a standard order number.\n Please fix and try again.");
                        okButton.enabled = ifFieldsFilled();
                var shipDateText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    shipDateText.characters = 8;
                    shipDateText.onChange = function ()
                        if (dateFormat.test(shipDateText.text))
                            var enteredDate = shipDateText.text.match(/\b\d*\b/g);
                            var entMonth = parseInt(enteredDate[0]);
                            var entDay = parseInt(enteredDate[2]);
                            var entYear = parseInt(enteredDate[4]);
                            if (entYear < curYear || entYear > curYear + 1)
                                // If the entered year is older than the current year, or
                                // if the entered year is two or more years in the future.
                                alert("Invalid date entered.  Please fix.");
                                dateValid = false;
                            else if ((entYear > curYear && curMonth < 12) || entMonth > curMonth + 1)
                                // If the entered month is more than one month ahead, just verify that it is correct.
                                alert("Please verify that the entered date is correct before proceeding.");
                            else if ((entMonth < curMonth && curMonth < 12) || (entMonth == curMonth && entDay < curDay))
                                // If the entered date is within the same month, but on an earlier day, alert the user.
                                alert("Invalid date entered.  Please fix.");
                                dateValid = false;
                                // The date is completely valid.
                                dateValid = true;
                            alert("Date format not recognized.  Please try again.\nDate must be in the form of MM/DD/YY.");
                            shipDateText.text = "";
                        okButton.enabled = ifFieldsFilled();
                var initialsText = editGroup.add("edittext");
                    initialsText.characters = 3;
                    initialsText.onChanging = function ()
                        okButton.enabled = ifFieldsFilled();
                var overRunsBox = editGroup.add("checkbox");
                var digitalPrintBox = editGroup.add("checkbox");
        var buttonGroup = stackGroup.add("group");
            buttonGroup.orientation = "column";
            var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK", {name: "ok"});
                okButton.enabled = false;
            var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel", {name: "cancel"});

// If the user clicked "OK", then the contents get put into variables and the work begins on the document(s).
if (outputData.show() == 1) {
    var orderNum = orderNumText.text;
    var shipDate = shipDateText.text;
    var outputInitials = initialsText.text;
    var overRuns = overRunsBox.value;
    var digitalPrint = digitalPrintBox.value;
} else {
    // If the user clicked "Cancel".


因此,okButton开始时它被禁用,然后在用户每次填写字段时进行检查,或者在字段的情况下initialsText,在用户输入内容时进行检查。此外,&& orderNumText.text != ""添加到orderNumText's函数的额外条件只是为了防止在用户在填写该文本框之前点击 [ESC] 或单击“取消.onChange()”按钮时显示烦人的警报对话框。


于 2013-12-03T15:35:21.120 回答