我有一个函数 YR.printGraphs()。这会执行许多 ajax 调用并绘制图表。

在完成所有 ajax 调用后,我必须执行一些脚本,但我无法做到这一点。我尝试了以下方法,也延迟了注释似乎对我有用。


$("#pnlEmail1").ready(function () {

function sangeetha() {
    var s = 0.0;
    $(".printgraphs").each(function () {
        s += parseFloat($(this).height());

    s = s - parseFloat($("#pnlEmail1").height());

    $(".fulldtls").css({ "top": s + "px", "position": "relative" });

printGraphs: function () {
        ///<summary>Loop through the email metrics available for this customer and makes ajax calls to get the email graph data.</summary>
        $(".printgraphs").each(function () {

            //Every div id is generated with its respective tab name in printreport.cs to distingush graphs.
            // So, check if the div belongs to Email tab, Phone tab or Grades and send the respective tab name to controller to get the correct graph data.
            if ($(this).attr("id").toLowerCase().indexOf("email") >= 0) {
                YAHOO.Report.changeGraph("Email", $(this), true);
            else if ($(this).attr("id").toLowerCase().indexOf("grade") >= 0) {
                YAHOO.Report.changeGraph("Grades", $(this), true);
            else {
                YAHOO.Report.changeGraph("Phone", $(this), true);

每个 YAHOO.Report.changeGraph 都会进行一次 ajax 调用。我听说过 jQuery 中的函数链接,但不确定如何在这种情况下应用它。


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