我正在开发 omap 平台。当我们按下电源重置按钮时,ROM 代码将搜索 boo-table 分区,即 FAT32。

我的问题是为什么第一个分区应该是 FAT32 。我们不能将第一个分区设为 ext2 或 ext3 吗?


1 回答 1


When an OMAP processor is reset is first runs a boot ROM masked into the chip. One of the places this boot ROM can look for code is in a file named MLO in the first partition of an SD card. But the boot ROM only understands FAT32.

See also http://omappedia.org/wiki/Bootloader_Project

Other processors based on Cortex-A cores have similar but different boot rules.

于 2013-09-20T06:19:24.783 回答