$col = imagecolorat($image, $x, $y);
这是 RGB 中的颜色,所以 '($col >> 16) & 0xFF' 是红色分量。现在您不能只检查红色组件,因为其他组件可能会将其更改为更紫色或橙色,这取决于您想要走多远,但如果红色多于绿色或蓝色,则类似这样的事情将是真实的:
$r = ($col >> 16) & 0xFF;
$g = ($col >> 8) & 0xFF;
$b = $col & 0xFF;
$limit = 2; // Aim for 2 times more red
$is_red = ($r / $limit) > ($g + $b);
可能已经有一个 GD 过滤器可以做到这一点,但我不熟悉过滤器。
function colorInGreyFilter($im, $limit = 1.5, $rgb_choice = 0) {
$sx = imagesx($im);
$sy = imagesy($im);
for ($x = 0; $x < $sx; $x++ ) {
for ($y = 0; $y < $sy; $y++ ) {
// Get the color and split the RGB values into an array
$col = imagecolorat($im, $x, $y);
$rgb = array( ($col >> 16) & 0xFF, ($col >> 8) & 0xFF, $col & 0xFF );
// Get the rgb value we're intested in;
$trg_col = $rgb[$rgb_choice];
// If the value of the target color is more than $limit times
// the sum of the other colors then we use that pixel so
// we only greyscale the pixel if it's less ...
if (($trg_col / $limit) < (array_sum($rgb) - $trg_col)) {
// Use the average of the values as the setting
// for the grey scale RGB values
$avg = (array_sum($rgb) / 3) & 0xFF;;
$col = ($avg <<16) + ($avg << 8) + $avg;
imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $col);
else {
Could have the option of taking a target image that's already
filtered, so here we would copy the pixel to the target
colorInGreyFilter($im); // Greyscale with red highlights (the default)
colorInGreyFilter($im, .5, 1); // Greyscale with lots of green left
colorInGreyFilter($im, 2, 2); // Greyscale with only the bluest blue left
它使用 RGB 值的简单平均值进行灰度化——这可以,但不如 GD 过滤器那么精细——所以一个好的扩展是可选地允许预过滤的目标图像。