I have an int list with unspecified number. I would like to find the difference between two integers in the list that match a certain value.

from itertools import combinations

#Example of a list
intList = [3, 6, 2, 7, 1]
diffList = [abs(a -b) for a, b in combinations(intList, 2)]

#Given if difference = 2    
print diffList.count(2)

The code snippet worked but when a larger list is given, I am getting MemoryError. Can anyone tell me if there's something wrong with the codes or the error is due to my hardware limitation?


3 回答 3


Exactly how large is "a larger list"? If len(intList) is n, len(diffList) will be n*(n-1)//2 (the number of combinations of n things taken 2 at a time). This will consume all your memory if n is large enough.

If you only care about the value 2,

print sum(abs(a-b) == 2 for a, b in combinations(intList, 2))

is one way to do it that consumes very little memory regardless of how large intList is. However, it will still take time proportional to the square of len(intList).

于 2013-09-20T00:23:37.280 回答

You can solve your problem using this code:

result = 0
for a, b in combinations(intList, 2):
    if abs(a - b) == 2:
        result += 1
print result

So your problem is not just your hardware limitations, it's your hardware limitations and bad code.

于 2013-09-20T00:24:05.350 回答

You created a list with a list comprehension, then called its count method. Instead, just create an iterator with a generator expression, then call an icount function that takes any iterable:

diffs = (abs(a -b) for a, b in combinations(intList, 2))
print icount(diffs, 2)

It's nearly identical to your original code, but it doesn't use any extra memory.

Of course that icount function doesn't exist, but you should be able to write it yourself.

def icount(iterable, value):
    result = 0
    for element in iterable:
        if element == value:
            result += 1
    return result

… or …</p>

def ilen(iterable):
    return sum(1 for _ in iterable)
def icount(iterable, value):
    filtered = (elem for elem in iterable if elem == value)
    return ilen(filtered)

… or …</p>

def icount(iterable, value):
    return sum(elem == value for elem in iterable)

… or (using itertools recipes) …</p>

def icount(iterable, value):
    return quantify(iterable, lambda elem: elem == value)

If you want, you can merge the expression into the icount function and do it all in one line, and then you have exactly Tim Peters' answer.

于 2013-09-20T01:15:30.623 回答