我需要一些帮助,我试图在 Python 中打破 IP 标头,并且我已经编写了代码,但我没有在屏幕上得到任何东西。我不知道我错过了什么。欢迎提出建议:
import struct
from collections import OrderedDict
def tcpheader (rawTCP):
#Using dict for the dictionary
tcp['ttl']=struct.unpack('!H',rawTCP[8:12]) [0] # H! is to unpack the hex file and then search for the portion specified
tcp['totalength']=struct.unpack('!H',rawTCP[0:20]) [0]
tcp['sourceip']=struct.unpack('!H',rawTCP[12:16]) [0]
tcp['destip']=struct.unpack('!H',rawTCP[16:20]) [0]
return tcp #this is the proper way to break the loop and return
def tcpdecode():
infile=open ('C:/users/jwattenbarger/desktop/ip.dd', 'rb') #this is opening the ip.dd file
#IPraw=infile.read (40)
print ("ttl:", tcp['ttl']) #these are printing the data
print ("totalength:", tcp['totalength'])
print ("sourceip:", tcp['sourceip'])
print ("destip:", tcp['destip'])
Print ("Temp")
for i in tcp: #associating i with tcp
print (i, "\t",tcp[i]) #printing tcp to the screen in a table