Dim myDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Double)
Dim myKeyDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
myDict.Add("key1", 5.5)
myKeyDict.Add("key2", "key1")
' Access Dictionary with key1
myDict("key1") = 7.7
' Acces Dictionary with key2
Dim thisKey1 As String = myKeyDict("key2") ' retrieve key1 with the help of key2
Debug.Print(CStr(myDict(thisKey1))) ' Acces the actuall dictionary with the retrieved key 1
因此,我为字典创建了一个类,其中 key1 作为字符串,key2 作为字符串,val 作为 double,具有基本的输入和输出操作:
Public Class MultiKeyDictonaryDbl
Public DictVal As New Dictionary(Of String, Double) ' key1=Variablenname, val=Wert
Public DictKey1 As New Dictionary(Of String, String) ' key1=In/Output-Variablenname (Textdatei), key2=Variablenname
Public DictKey2 As New Dictionary(Of String, String) ' key2=In/Output-Variablenname (Textdatei), key1=Variablenname
Public length As Integer
Public Sub Add(key1 As String, key2 As String, val As Double)
DictVal.Add(key1, val)
DictKey1.Add(key1, key2)
DictKey2.Add(key2, key1)
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(key As String, id As Integer)
Dim key1 As String = Nothing
Dim key2 As String = Nothing
Dim chk As Boolean
If id = 1 Then
key1 = key
chk = DictKey1.TryGetValue(key1, key2)
ElseIf id = 2 Then
key2 = key
chk = DictKey2.TryGetValue(key2, key1)
End If
If chk = True Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function getValue(key As String, id As Integer) As Double
Dim key1 As String = Nothing
Dim key2 As String = Nothing
Dim chk As Boolean
If id = 1 Then
key1 = key : chk = True
ElseIf id = 2 Then
key2 = key
chk = DictKey2.TryGetValue(key2, key1)
End If
If chk = True Then
chk = DictVal.TryGetValue(key1, getValue)
End If
If chk = False Then getValue = Double.PositiveInfinity
End Function
Public Function getList() As String(,)
Dim val As Double
Dim key1 As String = Nothing
Dim key2 As String = Nothing
Dim i As Integer = -1
' getLength in one line of code
length = -1 : Dim l1 As Integer = DictVal.Count : Dim l2 As Integer = DictKey1.Count : Dim l3 As Integer = DictKey2.Count : If l1 = l2 And l2 = l3 Then length = l1
If length < 1 Then Exit Function
Dim List(length - 1, 2) As String
For Each ele In DictKey2
i += 1
key2 = ele.Key : key1 = DictKey2(key2) : val = DictVal(key1)
List(i, 0) = key1 : List(i, 1) = key2 : List(i, 2) = CStr(val)
getList = List
End Function
Public Function getLength() As Integer
getLength = -1
Dim l1 As Integer = DictVal.Count
Dim l2 As Integer = DictKey1.Count
Dim l3 As Integer = DictKey2.Count
If l1 = l2 And l2 = l3 Then getLength = l1
length = getLength
End Function
End Class
Sub testDictionaryVariablenVerarbeitung()
' some tests
Dim testit As New MultiKeyDictonaryDbl
testit.Add("Variablenname", "In/Output-Variablenname", 55.7)
testit.Add("Variablenname2", "In/Output-Variablenname2", 90.7)
testit.Add("Blub", "dabdi", 916)
testit.Remove("Variablenname", 1)
Dim liste(,) As String = testit.getList
Debug.Print(CStr(testit.getValue("Variablenname2", 1)))
Debug.Print(CStr(testit.getValue("dabdi", 2)))
Debug.Print(CStr(testit.getValue("dabdi", 1)))
End Sub