我是 vb 脚本的新手,想为我的 .exe 应用程序创建一个快捷方式,该应用程序将在一个不可见的窗口中打开。这是我写的代码

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'This will Create a ShortCut of test_application in our desktop, its name is "My-Test",    invisible windows when run, use the 2nd icon as the Shortcut icon.'

Create_ShortCut "C:\MyApp\bin\test_application.exe", "Desktop", "My-Test", , 0, 1
End Sub

Sub Create_ShortCut(ByVal TargetPath As String, ByVal ShortCutPath As String, ByVal    ShortCutname As String, Optional ByVal WorkPath As String, Optional ByVal Window_Style As Integer, Optional ByVal IconNum As Integer)

Dim VbsObj As Object
Set VbsObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim MyShortcut As Object
ShortCutPath = VbsObj.SpecialFolders(ShortCutPath)
Set MyShortcut = VbsObj.CreateShortcut(ShortCutPath & "\" & ShortCutname & ".lnk")
MyShortcut.TargetPath = TargetPath
MyShortcut.WorkingDirectory = WorkPath
MyShortcut.WindowStyle = Window_Style
MyShortcut.IconLocation = TargetPath & "," & IconNum

End Sub

我将脚本存储为 test.vbs 并以下列方式执行它

C:\Users\me\Desktop>cscript test.vbs


Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\me\Desktop\test.vbs(9, 38) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected ')'



1 回答 1



在回答您的问题时,您收到错误的原因是因为 VBScript 仅支持一种数据类型 - Variant。在您的函数“Create_Shortcut”中,您将参数定义为特定的数据类型,例如“As String”和“As Integer”。删除数据类型声明,您已经解决了您的问题。

下一个问题是 VBScript 不支持可选参数。因此,您还需要删除“Create_Shortcut”方法签名中的 Optional 关键字。最终,方法签名将如下所示:

Private Sub Create_ShortCut(TargetPath, ShortCutPath, ShortCutname, WorkPath, Window_Style, IconNum)

我对此脚本的另一个担忧是它看起来像是在处理按钮单击(Private Sub Command1_Click);如果这是一个 VB 脚本而不是 VB 6 应用程序,则不需要按钮单击处理程序。但是,您确实需要调用您的函数,因此如果您删除按钮单击的签名以及关闭的“End Sub”,您将正确调用您的函数。然而....

“Create_Shortcut”方法中的代码也有问题。正如上面的描述,只有一种数据类型 - Variant - 所以从声明变量的两行中删除“As Object”。


Create_ShortCut "C:\MyApp\bin\test_application.exe", "Desktop", "My-Test", , 0, 1

Create_ShortCut "C:\MyApp\bin\test_application.exe", "Desktop", "My-Test", "C:\MyApp\bin" , 0, 1

因此,最终,您的 VBS 文件将如下所示:

Create_ShortCut "C:\MyApp\bin\test_application.exe", "Desktop", "My-Test", "C:\MyApp\bin" , 0, 1

Private Sub Create_ShortCut(TargetPath, ShortCutPath, ShortCutname, WorkPath, Window_Style, IconNum)
    Dim VbsObj
    Set VbsObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    Dim MyShortcut
    ShortCutPath = VbsObj.SpecialFolders(ShortCutPath)
    Set MyShortcut = VbsObj.CreateShortcut(ShortCutPath & "\" & ShortCutname & ".lnk")
    MyShortcut.TargetPath = TargetPath
    MyShortcut.WorkingDirectory = WorkPath
    MyShortcut.WindowStyle = Window_Style
    MyShortcut.IconLocation = TargetPath & "," & IconNum
End Sub
于 2013-09-19T16:30:33.403 回答