我正在编写一种小型模板语言(很像 Razor),我在模板编译中必须做的一件事是根据 (1) 完全限定名称或 (2) 非限定名称 + 命名空间来解析 CLR 枚举. 例如:
namespace Foo.Bar {
public enum MyEnum { A, B }
// template:
@using Foo.Bar;
@using System;
@Foo.Bar.MyEnum.A // fully qualified
@MyEnum.A // unqualified, but in one of the specified namespaces
string[] namespaces = // parsed from template
string typeName = // parsed from template
string fieldName = // parsed from template
var possibleResolutions = from type in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Where(a => !a.IsDynamic)
.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes())
where type.IsEnum
from @namespace in namespaces
let fullName = @namespace + '.' + typeName
// the replace is because nested enum types (like we have in AptOne, will have a fullname of namespace.OuterClass+InnerClass)
where type.FullName.Replace('+', '.') == fullName
let field = type.GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
where field != null;
我发现这在冷启动时可能会很慢(支配所有其他模板编译时间),几乎所有时间都花在 GetTypes() 中。我想知道,是否有更快的方法来进行此类查找?