我从以下复制了示例 LC LSX 代理以调用 Oracle 存储过程。


我用相关值修改了 .Server、.username 等。当我运行代理时,它会生成以下错误:


遵循存储过程(从 sqlplus 客户端运行时工作正常)

PROCEDURE test_conn_txt1 ( p_in IN VARCHAR2 ,p_out OUT VARCHAR2) IS
l_out VARCHAR2(100);

   --p_out :=p_in;
   l_out := 'Testing';--||to_char(p_in);
   p_out := l_out;  
   insert into xx_test1 values (to_char(p_in),to_char(p_out));



Option Public
Option Explicit

UseLSX "*lsxlc"

Sub Initialize  
    Dim sess As New LCSession   
    Dim conn As New LCConnection ("oracle8")        

    'set the connection parameters...   
    conn.Server = "ora_prod"    
    conn.UserId = "user1"   
    conn.Password = "password"

    src.OracleTextFormat = "UTF8"

    'connect to the database... conn.Connect        
    'set the stored procedure owner and stored procedure name...    
    'conn.Owner = "OWNER"   
    conn.Procedure = "test_conn_txt1"

    'set Fieldnames property with any output parameters declared in the stored procedure... 
    'conn.Fieldnames = "p_out"      

    'declare any fields and fieldlists for input/output data... 
    Dim input_fieldlist As New LCFieldList  
    Dim output_parms As New LCFieldlist 
    Dim in_field_int As New LCField (1, LCTYPE_INT) 
    Dim in_field_text As New LCField (1, LCTYPE_TEXT)   
    Dim out1 As New LCField (1, LCTYPE_INT) 
    Dim out2 As New LCField (1, LCTYPE_TEXT)    
    Dim out As Double       

    'set the input parameters of the stored procedure...        
    Set in_field_text = input_fieldlist.Append ("p_in", LCTYPE_TEXT)    
    in_field_text.Text = "testing of stored procedure for input values"     

    'Set in_field_text = input_fieldlist.Append ("p_out", LCTYPE_TEXT)  
    'in_field_text.Text = "testing of stored procedure for input values"        

    Set out2 = output_parms.Append ("p_out", LCTYPE_TEXT)   
    out2.Text = "testing of stored procedure for input values"      

    'with the input parameters set, call the stored procedure...    
    'the declared output_parms fieldlist will hold the output parameters of the stored procedure... 

    out = conn.Call (input_fieldlist, 1, output_parms)  

    'fetch parameter(s) into the output_parms fieldlist...  

    out = conn.Fetch (output_parms)     
    'retrieve the parameter(s) from the output_parms fieldlist...   

    Set out1 = output_parms.GetField (1)    
    'Set out2 = output_parms.GetField (2)       
    'use the output parameter value(s) in your script...    

    Print "Output parameter 1 is " & out1.Value(0)  
    'Print "Output parameter 2 is " & out2.Text(0)      


End Sub

1 回答 1


call 方法只支持存储过程的输入参数。如果要从存储过程中输出数据,则必须将其放入结果集中。然后可以使用该Fetch语句读取结果集。



尝试注释掉代理中以Set out2 = ...and开头的行out2.Text = ...

于 2013-09-20T13:28:27.863 回答