this question is coming from a complete noob in programming. So, my aim is to study lots of things to create in the end from scratch a site similar to Quizfarm. That is, I need to develop a system that will allow me to create new quizes from scratch, post them in the necessary categories (for example fun quizes, serious quizes, quizes for children, for grown ups, for anything).
Visitors will be allowed to login, to have their own profile page (with the ability to upload an avatar image) and can see which quizes they took and how they scored. The site will feature a ranking system for each quiz independently, ranking for each category and total ranking (for example). In addition, it needs to have the ability that members can win small prizes (not monetary prizes, but just simple icons that will show in their profile, like achievements).
I know, my question is too vague possibly, and the whole project very large. I suppose that programming languages like php and MySQL are necessary. Which other languages should I go for (except of html/css of course for the design part)? Thanks for your time and I will appreciate any answer.