我的任务是创建一个程序,该程序将扫描一个包含学生详细信息和成绩的 4 个作业的文本文件,然后将其分解为字符串(详细信息)和双打(学生成绩),最后计算平均值每个学生的成绩,然后是每个作业的平均值。最终输出应如下所示(从我的作业表中获得):
Student Name FAN Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Mark Grade
Adam Adamson adam0001 85.4 79.8 82.4 86.1 82.77% HD
Bethany Bright brig0001 89.7 85.6 84.2 82.9 84.92% DN
Cameron Carlson carl0001 55.45 49.82 60.4 42.27 50.23% P
David Dawson daws0001 72.6 78.49 80.2 65.88 74.46% CR
Evelyn Ellis elli0001 50.2 35.88 48.41 58.37 46.57% FA
Frances Fitz fitz0001 78.9 75.67 82.48 79.1 78.38% DN
Greg Gregson greg0001 24.3 32.88 29.72 28.4 30.05% F
Harriett Hope hope0001 52.2 58.93 61.5 63.44 60.12% P
Ivan Indigo indi0001 88.4 91.23 90.05 92.46 91.08% HD
Jessica Jones jone0001 82.33 89.74 81.3 84.85 85.84% HD
Average 67.948 67.804 70.066 68.377 68.44% CR
StdDev 19.4441
在文本文件中有 10 行,第一行是:
以此类推,随机创建 10 个学生。我有 3 个类,一个名为主题管理的主类,一个 StudentMarks 类(用于学生成绩)和一个 Student 类(用于名称和 FAN(adam0001 部分))。我创建了一个数组来存储所有称为标记的分数。我可以打印出姓名和 FAN,还可以使用 double score1 = double.parseDouble(); 将成绩分配给双打;等等每个分数都有它自己的方法,然后我在主类中调用它。
这是我的主要课程 - 主题管理:
public class TopicManagement
ArrayList part1 = new ArrayList(10);
ArrayList part2 = new ArrayList(10);
ArrayList part3 = new ArrayList(10);
ArrayList part4 = new ArrayList(10);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
System.out.println("Hello, Welcome to the Student Assesment Calculator");
System.out.println("Student Name \t FAN \t\tScore 1\tScore2\tScore 3\tScore 4\tTotal");
Student student = new Student();
StudentMarks studentMarks = new StudentMarks();
for (int row = 0; row < nameFan.length; row++)
System.out.println(nameFan[row][0] + "\t " + nameFan[row][1] + "\t ");
for (int col = 0; col < marks.length; col++)
double score1 = Double.parseDouble(marks[col][2]);
double score2 = Double.parseDouble(marks[col][3]);
double score3 = Double.parseDouble(marks[col][4]);
double score4 = Double.parseDouble(marks[col][5]);
System.out.println(part1.get(col) + "\t" + part2.get(col) + "\t" +
part3.get(col) + "\t" + part4.get(col) + "\t");
}//end of method
}//end of class
public class Student
{ //ROW, COL
String[][] nameFan = new String[10][6];
//this method outputs the name and fan
public void student() throws IOException
Scanner scan = new Scanner (new File ("TestResults.txt"));
for (int row = 0, col; row < nameFan.length; row++)
Scanner lineRead = new Scanner(scan.nextLine());
col = 0; // Starting at column 0 for each row
while (lineRead.hasNext()) //Check for next
col++; // Move on to the next column
}//end of nameFan method
}//end of class
最后是 StudentsMarks 课程:
public class StudentMarks
String[][] marks = new String[10][6];
//was going to call the method 'student' but would have been confusing with the student class
public String[][] studentMarks() throws IOException
Scanner scan = new Scanner (new File ("TestResults.txt"));
for (int row = 0, col; row < marks.length; row++)
Scanner lineRead = new Scanner(scan.nextLine());
col = 0; //Starting at column 0 for each row
while (lineRead.hasNext()) //Check for next
col++; // Move on to the next column
return marks;
Hello, Welcome to the Student Assesment Calculator
Student Name FAN Score 1 Score2 Score 3 Score 4 Total
Adam Adamson adam0001
Bethany Bright brig0001
Cameron Carlson carl0001
David Dawson daws0001
Evelyn Ellis elli0001
Frances Fitz fitz0001
Greg Gregson greg0001
Harriett Hope hope0001
Ivan Indigo indi0001
Jessica Jones jone0001
85.4 79.8 82.4 86.1
89.7 85.6 84.2 82.9
55.45 49.82 60.4 42.27
72.6 78.49 80.2 65.88
50.2 35.88 48.41 58.37
78.9 75.67 82.48 79.1
24.3 32.88 29.72 28.4
52.2 58.93 61.5 63.44
88.4 91.23 90.05 92.46
82.33 89.74 81.3 84.85
好的,所以我现在所做的不再是调用 student 和 studentMarks 类中的方法的输出。我正在获取数组并将它们放入 ArrayLists(part1、part2 等),然后打印这些数组列表。我仍然遇到输出格式的问题。我不能让他们在同一条线上。我理解你所说的 println 和 print 行是什么意思,但我需要循环中的那些,否则他们的学生姓名和粉丝等只会在一行上打印所有内容,不是吗?
而且我不确定现在如何计算平均值(或标记为百分比,取决于您如何阅读它)我希望现在它们在 ArrayList 中会更容易,但我不确定如何开始. 任何帮助将不胜感激!